Calvin Coolidge (30) Event Timeline |
08/02/1923 – 03/04/1929 |
1923 |
08/03/1923 |
Assumes presidency after the sudden death of President Harding. Sworn in at the Coolidge Home in Plymouth, VT by his father John C. Coolidge, a justice of the peace. |
08/24/1923 |
Appoints commission, headed by Gifford Pinchot to investigate imminent Coal Strike. |
08/31/1923 |
Recognizes Obregon Government of Mexico. |
09/01/1923 |
Anthracite Coal Strike Began in Pennsylvania. Miners return to work on 09/18/1923. |
08/21/1923 |
After ratification by all parties, the Treaty on Limitation of Naval Armament (Washington Naval Treaty) is proclaimed by the United States. (43 Stat 1655; link HERE to pdf file of the Treaty.) |
10/23/1923 |
Senate Committee on Public Lands begins public hearings on the Teapot Dome scandal. |
10/25/1923 |
By Proclamation creates the Carlsbad Cave National Monument. |
12/06/1923 |
First Annual State of the Union Message. First broadcast of a presidential address. Expresses support for Harding’s policies: adherence to the World Court; reducing spending; enforcing prohibition. |
12/11/1923 |
Accepts invitation for U.S. participation in Reparations Conference. |
12/15/1923 |
Appoints a committee to investigate the financial condition of Germany; the members are Charles C. Dawes, H. M. Robinson, Owen D. Young. |
12/24/1923 | First "National Christmas Tree" is lit by the President at 5:00pm in the middle of the elipse. |
1924 |
01/07/1924 |
Proclamation—Exportation of Arms or Munitions of War to Mexico Unlawful. By Proclamation, President Coolidge prohibits the sale of munitions to Mexican rebels. |
01/29/1924 |
Announces the selection of two special counsel to investigate the Teapot Dome scandal. (New York Times, 01/30/1924, p1.) |
02/03/1924 |
By Proclamation, announces the death of former President Woodrow Wilson. |
02/08/1924 |
Signs Joint Resolution charging former Secretary of Interior and Secretary of Navy with fraud and corruption in execution of 1922 oil leases. (43 Stat 5) |
02/11/1924 |
Statement on Passage of a Resolution in the Senate Calling for the Resignation of Secretary of the Navy Denby in connection with the Teapot Dome scandal. Says he will await the advice of special counsel. |
02/12/1924 |
Address before the National Republican Club, New York City. Pledges to pursue all government officials guilty of fraud or corruption; urges adoption of Mellon tax plan. |
02/22/1924 |
Radio Address to the Nation on the Occasion of Washington’s Birthday. First live radio broadcast from the White House. Reflects on the relationship of citizens to the government. |
03/22/1924 |
Proclamation declaring that Exportation of Arms or Munitions to Honduras is Unlawful |
04/22/1924 |
Address to the Annual Luncheon of the Associated Press. Primarily addressed to foreign issues, especially including the Dawes report on German reparations. Condemned corruption in government and called for restrained spending. The address was broadcast by radio. |
05/03/1924 |
Vetoes Pension Increase for Civil War and Spanish-American War Veterans Bill. The Senate sustained the veto. |
05/15/1924 |
Vetoes “Bonus Bill” bill to provide twenty-year annuities for World War veterans. Coolidge stated that he believed that the bill was too financially costly. The House overrode his veto on 05/17/1924 and the Senate on 05/19/0924. (43 Stat 121) |
05/26/1924 |
Signs Immigration Act of 1924 (“Johnson-Reed Act”) with highly restrictive immigration quotas. (43 Stat 153). Bars from entry any alien who because of race or nationality was ineligible for citizenship. |
06/02/1924 |
Signs act authorizing Secretary of Interior to issue certificates of citizenship to all Native Americans. “Indian Citizenship Act of 1924” also known as the Snyder Act. (43 Stat 253) Previously under the Dawes Act of 02/08/1887 Indians could become citizens if they took up separate residence on allotments from (formerly) tribal lands. |
06/02/1924 |
Signs Revenue Act of 1924. The act reduced income taxes by roughly 25 percent. (43 Stat 253) |
06/12/1924 |
Republican Party nominates Coolidge as presidential candidate for the 1924 Election. His formal acceptance Address is on 08/14/1924, below. |
07/07/1924 |
Calvin Coolidge Jr., the second son of President Coolidge, age 16, dies due to an infection in his bloodstream arising from a blister on his foot. This was the first child of a sitting President to die since the death of Lincoln’s son. |
07/10/1924 |
Very early in the morning, John W. Davis wins the Democratic nomination for president on the 104th ballot. |
08/11/1924 |
John W. Davis Speech Accepting Democratic Presidential Nomination. |
08/11/1924 |
First audiovisual recording of a US President shows Coolidge reading an excerpt from his 08/14/1924 nomination acceptance address. |
08/14/1924 |
08/16/1924 |
Germany agrees to the terms of the “Dawes Plan” (named after the US financier who chaired the committee of experts considering the plan for German Reparations after World War I). The plan had been presented to the Reparations Commission on April 9, 1924. |
09/18/1924 |
American “Forces of Occupation” leave the Dominican Republic following the installation of a “constitutional president.” |
09/24/1924 |
In Address to Holy Name Society, Washington, D.C., discusses the meaning of liberty and American values. “Socialism and communism cannot be reconciled with the principles which our institutions represent.” |
11/03/1924 |
Radio Address from the White House on the Duties of Citizenship. “The right to vote is conferred upon our citizens not only that they may exercise it for their own benefit, but in order that they may exercise it also for the benefit of others.” |
11/04/1924 |
Election Day. Calvin Coolidge defeats Democratic Candidate John W. Davis, winning the Electoral College by 71.9% and the popular vote by 54%. |
12/03/1924 |
1925 |
02/02/1925 |
Signs Air Mail Act. (43 Stat 805) First major legislation affecting the emergent aviation industry. The act authorized the Postmaster General to contract corporations to transport air mail and set air mail rates. |
03/04/1925 |
03/10/1925 |
Senate rejects the nomination of Charles Warren as Attorney General. It was the first time in nearly 60 years that the Senate rejected a presidential cabinet nomination. |
04/15/1925 |
In another audio-visual first, makes film recording of a speech that is then presented on 04/21/1925 to the Friars Club and the general public. |
04/18/1925 |
By Radio Addresses the Opening of the Women’s World Fair in Chicago. |
05/15/1925 |
By Executive Order waives or reduces application and visa fees for non-immigrants. |
07/02/1925 |
Negro, Catholic, and Jewish organizations petition Coolidge to halt a march and rally planned by the Ku Klux Klan for Washington DC in August. Coolidge is reported to oppose the Klan gathering but to believe he has no authority to stop the parade. (New York Times 07/03/1925 p1.) |
07/10/1925 |
On this day in Dayton, TN, the trial began of John T. Scopes, accused of violating Tennessee law by teaching evolution—contradicting the teachings of the Bible. The prosecution was led by William Jennings Bryan (former presidential candidate and Secretary of State) and the defense by prominent defense lawyer Clarence Darrow. Scopes was convicted and fined $100. On 01/17/1927 the State Supreme Court ruled that the statute was constitutional but the fine exceeded the Judge’s discretion. The US Supreme Court does not rule on the issues in this case until 1968 (Epperson v. Arkansas). |
08/08/1925 |
Thousands, possibly as many as 40,000 members of the Ku Klux Klan, marching in full regalia, parade on Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C. Special trains had carried Klan members from all over the country. |
10/20/1925 |
Address Before the Annual Council of the Congregational Churches, Washington, D.C. “The claim to the right to freedom, the claim to the right to equality, with the resultant right to self-government – the rule of the people – have no foundation other than the common brotherhood of man derived from the common fatherhood of God.” |
10/25/1925 |
General Emiliano Chamorro Vargas begins insurgent operations in Managua, Nicaragua. The US representative informed Chamorro that the U.S. would not recognize any government that assumed power by force. |
12/08/1925 |
12/10/1925 |
In a Special Message urges Congress to encourage aeronautics and the development of commercial aviation. |
1926 |
01/27/1926 |
Senate Adopts a Resolution on the World Court with 5 conditions to be satisfied. In an Address on 01/30/1926, Coolidge endorses the reservations. He speaks on the benefits of the World Court in a News Conference on 02/02/1926. |
02/26/1926 |
Signs Revenue Act of 1926, which reduced federal income taxes. (44 Stat 9) |
05/08/1926 |
Issues Executive Order authorizing employment of State and Local Officers as Prohibition Agents. |
05/20/1926 |
Signs Air Commerce Act, which assigned the Department of Commerce responsibility for the regulation of commercial aviation. (44 Stat 568) |
05/25/1926 |
Signs Public Buildings Act. (Eliot-Fernald Act) The act funded the construction of several federal buildings across the nation including the Federal Triangle in Washington DC. (44 Stat 630) |
07/02/1926 |
Signs act creating the United States Army Air Corps. (44 Stat 780) |
07/03/1926 |
Signs act which increased pensions for Mexican and Civil War veterans. (44 Stat 806) |
08/28/1926 |
US Marines Land at Bluefields, Nicaragua. The US had warned on 08/27/1926 that it would “take such measures as it may deem necessary” for the protection of American lives and property. |
09/15/1926 |
Proclamation—Exportation of Arms or Munitions of War to Nicaragua Unlawful. |
10/25/1926 |
In Myers v. United States the Supreme Court led by former President William Howard Taft, decides 6-3 that the President has the right to remove cabinet members. The power of removal is an inherent part of the President’s executive power. |
11/02/1926 |
Midterm elections. The Republican party lost nine seats in the House and six in the Senate, but retained majorities in both. |
11/11/1926 |
Address at the Dedication of the Liberty Memorial at Kansas City, MO. The venue is one of the major World War I memorial sites. |
12/07/1926 |
12/28/1926 |
In a News Conference, rejects the notion that the US is “taking sides” in the Nicaraguan revolution. |
1927 |
01/10/1927 |
Sends message to Congress stating belief that American intervention in Nicaragua is justified. Coolidge argued that controlling the revolution in Nicaragua was necessary to protect American business interests. Coolidge also argued that the Mexican government was attempting to form a regime in Nicaragua that would be hostile to the United States government. |
01/17/1927 |
In a case growing out of the Teapot Dome Scandal during the Harding Administration, the Supreme Court decides in McGrain v. Daugherty that by presumption congressional investigations have a legislative purpose. |
01/28/1927 |
Vetoes Shoshone Indian Bill. Objects to requiring the government to assume an obligation for interest payments dating from ancient claims. The veto was unchallenged. |
02/10/1927 |
Special Message to Congress on Naval Armament Limitation Negotiations. Will urge treaty partners to expand the classes of vessels covered by the Washington Naval treaty. |
02/18/1927 |
US recognizes Canada as a state independent of the United Kingdom with autonomous control over its foreign relations. |
02/22/1927 |
Address to a Joint Session of Congress in Anticipation of Celebration of the Two Hundredth Anniversary, in 1932, of the Birth of George Washington. Apart from his 1923 State of the Union Addresses, this is Coolidge’s only address to a Joint Session of Congress. |
02/23/1927 |
Signs Radio Control Act, which established the Federal Radio Commission to regulate radio transmissions. (44 Stat 1162) |
02/25/1927 |
Signs National Bank Consolidation Act, which allowed national banks to establish branches. (44 Stat 1224) |
02/25/1927 |
Signs act which grants U.S. Citizenship to certain inhabitants of the Virgin Islands. (44 Stat 1234) |
03/02/1927 |
Signs Naval Appropriation Act, which funded the construction of multiple cruiser ships. (44 Stat 1275) |
03/04/1927 |
Signs Amended Organic Act of Puerto Rico, (44 Stat 1418) which established a path to Puerto Rican citizenship for United States citizens. |
03/07/1927 |
In Nixon v. Herndon, Supreme Court holds a Texas law prohibiting blacks from voting in the Democratic Primary is unconstitutional under the 14th Amendment. |
03/07/1927 |
Starting about this date, very heavy rains in the lower Mississippi valley prepared the way for record flooding in the next month. |
04/06/1927 |
Using authority granted in the Organic Law of the Philippine Islands, Vetoes Act of Legislature of Philippines. Coolidge stated that he believed that many Filipinos wanted independence yet still needed the protection of the American government. |
04/15/1927 |
On this day, more than 15” of rain fell on New Orleans, LA, in 18 hours. To save the city in the face of vast flooding, levees were dynamited to flood less densely populated areas. This was the “Great Mississippi Flood of 1927.” |
04/22/1927 |
Commerce Secretary Herbert Hoover is appointed to head a Special Presidential Cabinet Committee to deal with the Mississippi flooding disaster. Government emergency response actions involved action by the Interstate Commerce Commission, Navy Department, and the Veterans Bureau. This was an important precedent in Federal government disaster response. |
05/21/1927 |
Charles Lindbergh completes the first solo, nonstop flight from New York to Paris. Coolidge comments in a News Conference on 05/24/1927. |
06/13/1927 – 09/11/1927 |
With his family, takes an extended vacation in the Black Hills of South Dakota. |
08/02/1927 |
Announces he will not run for another presidential term. “. . . dramatically and unexpectedly, and without consultation with friends, issued the following statement to correspondents here: ‘I do not choose to run for President in nineteen twenty-eight.’” (New York Times 08/03/1927, p. 1) |
08/10/1927 |
Address at the Opening of Work on Mount Rushmore in Black Hills, SD. Comments at the laying of the cornerstone characterizing the four presidents to be depicted. “We cannot hold our admiration for the historic figures which we shall see here without growing strong in our determination to perpetuate the institutions which their lives revealed and established.” |
10/03/1927 |
Address at the Annual Meeting of the American Red Cross. One of the few instances in which Coolidge spoke about the Mississippi flooding and the government response. |
10/10/1927 |
In Mammoth Oil v. United States, the Supreme Court rules that the contracts provided to Mammoth Oil by Harding Interior Secretary Albert Fall “were procured. . .through fraud. . .” (see Harding Timeline 04/07/1922). |
12/06/1927 |
1928 |
01/16/1928 |
Delivers opening address at Pan-American Conference in Havana, Cuba. Participants in the conference express rejection of the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine. (See State Department background on modifying US understanding of the Roosevelt Corollary.) |
02/04/1928 |
Delivers opening address at the dedication of National Press Club Building, Washington D.C. |
05/04/1928 |
Nominates Genevieve R. Cline, first woman to serve on the federal judiciary on the United States Customs Court. She is confirmed by the Senate on 05/25/1928 and sworn in on 06/06/1928. |
05/15/1928 |
Signs Flood Control Act (45 Stat 534) authorizing the Army Corps of Engineers to design projects to control Mississippi River flooding. |
05/18/1928 |
Vetoes two bills relating to the Post Office, one providing allowances for “postmasters of the fourth class” and another providing a pay differential for night work. In both instances he argued the expenses were unjustified. Both were overridden. One on 05/24/1928, and one on 05/25/1928 (see 45 Stat 724, and 45 Stat 725). |
05/22/1928 |
Signs Merchant Marine Act. (45 Stat 689) |
05/22/1928 |
Vetoes bill providing retirement for “emergency officers” of the World War. Objects that the bill will violate a principle of compensating injured soldiers based on their disability, not on their rank. The veto is overridden 05/24/1928 (45 Stat 735). |
05/29/1928 |
Signs Revenue Act of 1928. (45 Stat 791) The act reduced Federal income taxes down to a maximum of 12%. |
06/29/1928 |
Democrats Nominate Alfred E. Smith for President. He formally accepts in an address on 08/22/1928. |
07/25/1928 |
The U.S. signs a treaty regulating tariff relations with the Chinese Nationalist Government, thereby recognizing the Chinese government. |
08/27/1928 |
Statement on (and text of) the Kellogg-Briand Pact is signed by the United States and other nations. The treaty was described as a “frank renunciation of war as an instrument of national policy.” |
09/21/1928 |
“Vermont is a State I Love” speech in Bennington, VT. |
11/06/1928 |
Election Day. Herbert Hoover defeats Democrat Alfred E. Smith, winning 83.6% of the Electoral College and 58.2% of the popular vote. |
12/03/1928 |
Sixth and final State of the Union Message. Notes that the Senate’s objections to the Court of International Justice have been incorporated, and he will return the signed protocol to the Senate for approval. |
12/21/1928 |
Signs “Swing-Johnson” bill authorizing the Boulder Canyon Project calling for construction of a dam on the Colorado River. This project had been considered by Congress for nearly seven years. (45 Stat 1057). |
1929 |
02/22/1929 |
Final public address at commencement ceremonies at George Washington University. |
03/02/1929 |
Signs Amended Prohibition Enforcement Act. The act increased penalties for offenders of Federal prohibition laws and took effect immediately. (45 Stat 1446) |
Last edited 7/24/2023
Calvin Coolidge, Calvin Coolidge Event Timeline Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project