Carson Campaign Press Release - Dr. Ben Carson Accepts Resignation of Finance Chair Dean Parker
ALEXANDRIA, Virginia — January 14, 2016 — Dr. Ben Carson, retired neurosurgeon and 2016 Republican presidential candidate, today accepted the resignation of Finance Chair Dean Parker from the Carson for President 2016 Campaign.
"Dean has been a valued member of my campaign team and a trusted friend; I appreciate and honor Dean's tireless efforts on behalf of saving America," said Dr. Carson. "Our significant fundraising success has been due, in large part, to Dean's dedication and commitment to 'We the People.'"
Parker expressed his continued support for Dr. Carson and the campaign. "It has been a great honor to serve alongside Dr. Carson as he seeks the office of President of the United States," Parker said. "While current allegations towards me
are misrepresentations, my primary goal is to help Dr. Carson save our nation. I am excited about the growing momentum behind him and look forward to even greater days ahead."
General Bob Dees, chairman of the campaign, added, "I likewise honor Dean's contributions. For the sake of the American people, we should really be discussing more important issues and Dr. Carson's common sense solutions for America."
"We should be talking about Dr. Carson's foreign policy plan that restores our military and directly confronts the threat of Radical Islamic Terrorism," Dees emphasized. "We should be talking about Dr. Carson's tax plan that is simple, fair, transparent and creates citizen-owners. We should be talking about Dr. Carson's education plan that returns power to parents and teachers and takes power away from bureaucrats in Washington. We will continue to educate 'We the People' about how a Carson Presidency will truly 'Heal, Inspire, and Revive' America on behalf of future generations."
A. Larry Ross
Ben Carson, Carson Campaign Press Release - Dr. Ben Carson Accepts Resignation of Finance Chair Dean Parker Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/312619