Carson Campaign Press Release - Dr. Ben Carson Releases Policy Plan for Cyber Security and Innovation
Alexandria, Va. - January 25, 2016 - Dr. Ben Carson, retired neurosurgeon and 2016 Republican presidential candidate, today released his plan to create a national drive for cyber security and innovation. The plan is available for download here.
Dr. Carson's policy plan is built around the consolidation of federal efforts and private partnerships into a new National Cyber Security Administration (NCSA). Much like the National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA) coordinated and unified America's space exploration efforts, the NCSA will unify and drive a national effort to secure personal, private and government computers against the many threats facing the country. Rather than a new bureaucracy, this administration would streamline existing programs, consolidate efforts and eliminate stovepipes that hinder cooperation.
With estimates that internet traffic will soon eclipse a zettabyte, earning more than $1 trillion annually for the American economy, the need to secure U.S. interests online is more urgent now than ever. Recent hacks of personal data, sensitive weapons plans and the Ukrainian electrical grid demonstrate just how vulnerable we are. Dr. Carson's plan will put this issue in the forefront, educating and empowering the American people and their government to respond to cyber threats forcefully and effectively.
"We need a new space race for the 21st century; a cyber space race," said Dr. Carson. "When President Kennedy said he'd land an American on the moon, it brought together every part of America, from ordinary citizens to the highest levels of government. That is the kind of effort we need to drive American cyber leadership. My plan to unify cybersecurity efforts behind a National Cyber Security Administration will bring more accountability and efficiency to our government's cyber initiatives. There is no challenge too great when 'We the People' set our minds to a solution. We must turn our attention to securing America's cyber leadership for generations to come."
Ben Carson, Carson Campaign Press Release - Dr. Ben Carson Releases Policy Plan for Cyber Security and Innovation Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/312658