Photo of Julian Castro

Castro Campaign Press Release - Julián Castro Announces New Congressional Endorsement

March 11, 2019

SAN ANTONIO, TX (March 11, 2019) – On Monday, the presidential campaign of former U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary under President Obama and San Antonio Mayor, Julián Castro, announced a new congressional endorsement for his candidacy for President of the United States. This endorsement builds on the congressional support he has received from Congressman Joaquin Castro (TX-20), his twin brother and Campaign Chairman, and Congressman Colin Allred (TX-32), the 116th Congress Freshman Class Co-President.

Rep. Vicente González (D-TX), a two-term Congressman representing the 15th District of Texas, announced his endorsement via the Dallas Morning News. Rep. González serves on the House Financial Services Committee, the Foreign Affairs Committee, and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. Rep. González's district encompasses the growing suburban counties of Brooks, Duval, Guadalupe, Jim Hogg, Karnes, and Live Oak as well as portions of Hidalgo, and Wilson counties.

"As I've repeatedly said on the trail, in this campaign I intend to compete everywhere, including winning Texas' 38 electoral votes," said Secretary Julián Castro. "I'm honored to have the support of Representative Vicente González, an outstanding member of Congress who represents a critical and dynamic district in Texas."

Two-term congressman Rep. Vicente González had this to say on behalf of Secretary Castro:

"Throughout his career, Julián has been a champion for improving the lives of those he served—both in Texas and across the nation," said Rep. Vicente González. "Having known Secretary Castro for years, I know firsthand his passion for expanding opportunity for the Latino community, people of color, and historically disenfranchised communities, as well as his unparalleled dedication to building a bench of dynamic Democratic candidates in Texas and nationally. I'm proud to endorse his candidacy for President of the United States."

Julián Castro, Castro Campaign Press Release - Julián Castro Announces New Congressional Endorsement Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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