Castro Campaign Press Release - Nevada Automatic Delegate: Nevada Democrats Should Support Secretary Castro
SAN ANTONIO, TX (August 7, 2019) – DNC National Committeewoman for Nevada and Secretary of the DNC's Black Caucus, Allison Stephens, published an opinion piece via Medium urging fellow Nevada Democrats to support presidential candidate, former Obama Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and Mayor of San Antonio, Texas, Julián Castro, for President. Stephens endorsedSecretary Castro last week during his seventh trip to Nevada since he announced his candidacy in January and after his successful performance at the CNN Democratic debates. Stephens is the first automatic delegate in Nevada to announce her support of a Democratic candidate.
Stephens has also joined the Castro campaign as Nevada Chairwoman and external policy advisor on health care and education. Her written piece can be found below:
Nevada Democrats Should Support SecretaryCastro
As a woman, as a single mother, as a black American, as an activist, as an elected official, and as someone who grew up in Nevada, I've had the opportunity to see Nevada through many lenses. These different lenses have given me insight and perspective as to what kind of leader we need to move our country forward. It's because of my experiences that I am proud to endorse Julián Castro for president.
When presidential candidates debate the pay gap between women and men, I think about the lost opportunities I wasn't able to provide my kids because I earned less than my male counterparts. When those same candidates talk about economic inequality and healthcare, I think about my son with disabilities and the struggles we faced as a family to provide him the medical attention he needs. Many of those same candidates can talk about the racism and injustices that are becoming too prevalent in America, but they don't have the anxieties that I do of raising a young black man in America. They don't have to worry about their son being harassed, or worse yet murdered, simply walking home from school. When I listen to these candidates, and think about who is going to provide a better future for my children, that candidate is Julián Castro. He is the only candidate with a police reform plan that demands more transparency and accountability, would restrict the use of deadly force, and addresses racial profiling.
I'm not just endorsing Julián Castro because I think he is better for my family. I'm endorsing him, because I think he is the right candidate for all Nevadans. Nevada Democrats need a 2020 presidential candidate who does not compromise on fundamental progressive values. If Democrats hope to win the White House in 2020, voters should not have to struggle to see the light of day between Democrats and Republicans. Too often, we see Republicans with a clear agenda, and the ability to gain support from people of all socio-economic backgrounds. Meanwhile, the Democrats have no clear agenda because there is always a willingness to change course. There's nothing wrong with gaining support from people across the aisle, but the word compromise should not apply to our core values. That candidate, who will be unwavering in supporting our core values, is Julián Castro.
Nevada is a critical state in the march towards a presidential nomination, first, because of its status as an early-state caucus and being the first state to vote in the West. However, it is the diversity of Nevada that also makes it so important. Nevada reflects America, from its rural communities to its urban hubs. We have a population that is white, Black, Latino, Asian Pacific Islander, and Native American, and on track to become a majority-minority state before the next presidential cycle. There also are approximately 269,000 Nevadans with disabilities. Many of these groups are people who are likely disgruntled with the current administration and are looking for an alternative candidate. Ultimately, Nevada is the first test of how Americans of all backgrounds and walks of life will respond to the Democratic presidential candidates.
Secretary Castro understands that Nevadans grapple with bread and butter family issues that folks all over the US have to contend with as well. Secretary Castro is unafraid to stand up for the things that matter to our families and our children. We can count on Secretary Castro not to compromise on nuclear waste, comprehensive immigration reform, police reform, collective bargaining, criminal justice reform, education, reproductive rights, the rights of our Indigenous Communities, and protecting the LGBTQ community from violence and discrimination.
As an American with immigrant roots, Secretary Castro knows all about the American dream that Nevada families are pursuing. Moreover, he knows that when it comes to issues like repealing Section 1325 of the Immigration and Nationality Act that criminalizes migration, addressing homelessness and unaffordable housing, and creating a health system that works for all, many Americans?—?like many Nevadans?—?cannot even begin to dream because they are just struggling to make it. And Secretary Castro will not bargain and negotiate and compromise on the ability of Nevadans to have access to basic rights so that they can begin to contribute to their fullest potential and realize their American dream.
Further, in the midst of extreme heat, drought, and wildfires, we need a candidate who is steadfast in support of combating climate change. Nevada Democrats should not toe the line for a moderate, palpable candidate who will not take deliberate action on the most important issues facing our communities. Rather, Nevada Democrats should choose a candidate who is on the right side of the issues and demonstrates the wherewithal to see us through with real change in Washington. That is why we need Secretary Julián Castro as our Democratic nominee for president.
Next year, Nevada Democrats will start with an updated, more inclusive caucus process that the Nevada State Democratic Party has worked tirelessly to create. On that day, the state that reflects America will select the candidate that we believe is best for our country. I firmly believe that candidate is Julián Castro, and urge my fellow Nevada Democrats to join me in supporting his campaign. I invite Nevada Democrats to work with me?—?just as hard as ever?—?using everything we have to take back the White House and to solidify our gains within state government. We will register voters, knock on doors, make phone calls, and pop-up at grocery stores, shopping centers, and houses of worship. We will make it clear that 2016 and 2018 were just the beginning of the New Blue Nevada. Years from now, when my children are grown, I will have the peace of mind to let them know that at this important time in American history, I did everything I could to give them a prosperous future.
Julián Castro, Castro Campaign Press Release - Nevada Automatic Delegate: Nevada Democrats Should Support Secretary Castro Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/366382