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Checklist of White House Press Releases

May 30, 1997

The following list contains releases of the Office of the Press Secretary that are neither printed as items nor covered by entries in the Digest of Other White House Announcements.

Released May 27

Transcript of a press briefing by Press Secretary Mike McCurry

Transcript of a press briefing by National Security Adviser Samuel Berger on the President's visit to Paris, France

Transcript of a press briefing by President Jacques Chirac of France, President Boris Yeltsin of Russia, and NATO Secretary General Javier Solana at a signing ceremony for the NATO-Russia Founding Act in Paris, France

Fact sheet: NATO-Russia Founding Act

Released May 28

Statement by Press Secretary Mike McCurry on the upcoming visit of Prime Minister John Howard of Australia

Transcript of a press briefing by Deputy National Security Adviser James Steinberg, Assistant to the President for International and Economic Policy Daniel Tarullo, and Press Secretary Mike McCurry

Announcement by the U.S. and the European Union on steps to address common problems

Released May 29

Transcript of a press briefing by Press Secretary Mike McCurry and Deputy National Security Adviser James Steinberg

Released May 30

Transcript of a press briefing by Press Secretary Mike McCurry

Transcript of a press briefing by Vice President Al Gore, Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, National Economic Adviser Gene Sperling, Council of Economic Advisers Chair Janet Yellen, and Director of the Office of Management and Budget Franklin Raines on the national economy

Fact sheet: Charter on a Distinctive NATO-Ukraine Partnership

William J. Clinton, Checklist of White House Press Releases Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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