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Checklist of White House Press Releases

June 17, 1994

The following list contains releases of the Office of the Press Secretary that are neither printed as items nor covered by entries in the Digest of Other White House Announcements.

Released June 13

Transcript of a press briefing by Press Secretary Dee Dee Myers

Statement by Special Counsel to the President Lloyd Cutler on the President and Hillary Clinton's interviews with Independent Counsel Robert Fiske

Released June 16

Transcript of a press briefing by Assistant Secretary of State for Political and Military Affairs Robert Gallucci on North Korea

Announcement of nomination for four U.S. Marshals and two U.S. Attorneys

Released June 17

Statement by Press Secretary Dee Dee Myers on the President's submittal to Congress of amendments to the fiscal year 1995 Department of Energy appropriations request

William J. Clinton, Checklist of White House Press Releases Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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