The following list contains releases of the Office of the Press Secretary that are neither printed as items nor covered by entries in the Digest of Other White House Announcements.
Released January 20
Transcript of a press briefing by Press Secretary Mike McCurry
Transcript of a press briefing by Secretary of State Madeleine Albright on the visit of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu of Israel
Released January 21
Transcript of a press briefing by Press Secretary Mike McCurry
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Clinton To Make Historic Visit to Africa
Released January 22
Transcript of a press briefing by Press Secretary Mike McCurry
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Clinton Welcomes Signing of Ecuador-Peru Accord
Transcript of a press briefing by Secretary of State Madeleine Albright on the visit of Chairman Yasser Arafat of the Palestinian Authority
Released January 23
Transcript of a press briefing by Press Secretary Mike McCurry
Transcript of a press briefing by Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala and Justice Department Special Counsel for Health Care Fraud John Bentivoglio on the President's program on fighting Medicare fraud and abuse
William J. Clinton, Checklist of White House Press Releases Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project