The following list contains releases of the Office of the Press Secretary that are neither printed as items nor covered by entries in the Digest of Other White House Announcements.
Released April 25
Statement by Counsel to the President Charles Ruff on Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr's interview of Hillary Clinton
Released April 27
Transcript of a press briefing by Press Secretary Mike McCurry
Released April 28
Transcript of a press briefing by Press Secretary Mike McCurry
Transcript of a press briefing by National Economic Council Director Gene Sperling and Social Security Commissioner Kenneth Apfel on Social Security reform
Statement by the Press Secretary: AmeriCare Humanitarian Mission to Iraq
Released April 29
Transcript of a press briefing by Press Secretary Mike McCurry
Announcement of nominations for U.S. Court of International Trade Judge and U.S. District Judge for the Western District of Pennsylvania
Announcement of the text of the citation for the Presidential Citizens Medal awarded to Albert Abramson
Released May 1
Advance text of remarks by National Security Adviser Samuel Berger at the Brookings Institution, entitled "The Price of American Leadership"
Announcement of nominations for District of Columbia Superior Court Judges
William J. Clinton, Checklist of White House Press Releases Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project