Cruz Campaign Press Release - ICYMI: Investors Business Daily: Cruz Gets To The Heart Of Making America Great Again
HOUSTON, Texas – An editorial in Investors Business Daily praises Ted Cruz's comments in the Republican debate Thursday in Detroit, stating that Cruz "made one of the clearest economic cases for change we've heard so far." Cruz explained how he would bring back manufacturing jobs to the U.S. by pulling back federal regulations, implementing a simple, flat tax and repealing Obamacare, the biggest job killer in America. The editorial concludes, "[Cruz's answer] was an eloquent, fact-based, carefully thought out and powerful statement that gets to the heart of who's been running the U.S. as its establishment, why change is needed and what greatness really means."
Excerpt below and full article may be viewed here.
Cruz Gets To The Heart Of Making America Great Again
Investors Business Daily
Pundits have decried the bickering at the latest GOP presidential debate as an embarrassment to the party and its prospects. But in fact, Ted Cruz made one of the clearest economic cases for change we've heard so far.
"Let me start by observing that Detroit is a great city with a magnificent legacy that has been utterly decimated by 60 years of failed left-wing policy," Cruz told Fox News moderator Chris Wallace.
"You know, Henry Ford revolutionized automobile manufacturing and brought automobiles to the middle class. During World War II, Detroit provided — funded the arsenals of democracy to help us win World War II. In — in the 1960s, Detroit was the Silicon Valley of America. It had a population of 2 million people, had the highest per capita income in the country.
"And then, for 50 years, left-wing Democrats have pursued destructive tax policies, weak crime policies, and have driven the citizens out.
"This city now has just 700,000 citizens. There are vacant homes, one after the other after the other. Crime has been rampant, and it is an outrage. And let me say to folks in the media: That is a story that the media ought to be telling over and over again, the destruction of left-wing policies and the millions who have hurt because of it," Cruz declared as his sixty seconds ran out.
"I'll give you 30 seconds to try to answer my question," Wallace responded, almost appearing to upbraid Cruz. "What specifically would you do to bring manufacturing jobs back to Detroit and to train the residents here to do those jobs?" Wallace asked. Cruz's answer just got better.
"The way you bring manufacturing back to America is, number one, you lift the regulations. As president, I will repeal ObamaCare, the biggest job-killer in America," said Cruz.
"I will pull back the federal regulators, the EPA and all the regulators that are killing small businesses and manufacturing.
"What that will do, Chris, is bring millions of manufacturing jobs back to this country, bring the steel industry back to this country, create an environment where, when we compete on a fair and level playing field, American ingenuity can beat anyone. But right now, the federal government isn't giving us a level playing field."
It was an eloquent, fact-based, carefully thought out and powerful statement that gets to the heart of who's been running the U.S. as its establishment, why change is needed and what greatness really means. It was the sort of argument and answer that elevates the national contest and its debates on the great questions, and something that many Americans hope to see more of now. Cruz struck a nerve — and hit a bullseye.
Ted Cruz, Cruz Campaign Press Release - ICYMI: Investors Business Daily: Cruz Gets To The Heart Of Making America Great Again Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/315131