Cruz Campaign Press Release - ICYMI: Scott Walker: Ted Cruz Will Restore Jobs, Freedom, and Security
HOUSTON, Texas - Wisconsin Governor and former Republican presidential candidate Scott Walker today penned the following op-ed in the Wisconsin State Journal in support of Ted Cruz as the candidate who recognizes this race is about restoring jobs, freedom and security for the American people and future generations.
See excerpts below and read the full op-ed here.
When I was a kid, I loved history, especially American history. The American founders, especially the signers of the Declaration of Independence, were my "superheroes" for building this country. The first time I was in Philadelphia, at a governor's conference in 2011, I snuck off to Independence Hall.
As I stood in that room, I realized this: the founders weren't superheroes. They were ordinary people who did something exceptional because they put the service of our country ahead of themselves. And since then, whenever our country has faced a crisis, ordinary men and women have courageously stood up to do extraordinary things.
That's why I am proud to endorse Ted Cruz for president. He is leader who recognizes this isn't about him; it's about our country and leaving our kids with a more promising future.
Right now, our nation is facing steep economic challenges. Wages are stagnant. The number of people who are not in the work force, who aren't even looking for a job, is the highest it's been in decades. Our education system is failing and our kids are falling behind. College debt is crushing students. Health care is more expensive even as wait-times grow and actual doctor-patient care is shrinking. Permanent barriers to economic success are slamming small businesses, farmers, and manufacturing workers.
But as Ted often says on the trail, we know how to turn things around, we reignite the Reagan revolution and create more jobs and opportunity. That's what we've done in Wisconsin - and as a result we have seen unemployment drop from 8.1 to 4.6 percent. We've created over 180,000 private sector jobs since 2011 and just a few months ago Wisconsin's employment reached an all-time high, with more people working than at any time in state history.
Ted Cruz will ignite the same kind of growth on a nationwide scale because he recognizes that what has made this country extraordinary is not the government but every one of you - the people across this country who risk everything to build a better life for themselves and their families. And so he'll get the government out of the way. He'll repeal Obamacare and roll back the EPA and the regulatory agents who are stifling your business.
Ted Cruz's tax plan will increase the median household's take-home pay by $7,600, as estimated by the Tax Foundation. It will get rid of the loopholes for special interests, abolish the IRS, and make it so simple to complete your taxes that you can fill them out on a postcard.
But it's not just our economy that's at stake; it's our fundamental freedoms - those same freedoms the founders so tirelessly fought to enshrine in our Bill of Rights. With Ted Cruz, we will have a leader who has spent his life defending our right to free speech and to freely live our faith - and every other right in the Constitution - and who will nominate rock-solid judges who have the same record of faithfully upholding our constitutional freedoms.
Abroad, ISIS is applauding themselves for their brutal attacks in Paris and Brussels - and they have made it clear their intent is to come after us. Yet our President continues to deny that radical Islamic terrorism is the enemy. Our kids will live in a safer world with Cruz as Commander in Chief because our nation will be stronger. He will rebuild the military and stand with our allies.
We need a leader who recognizes that it's not his own exceptionalism but America's that we are working to preserve; who serves the people above all else; and who will make this nation abundantly more prosperous, free, and safe. That's why I am casting my ballot for Ted Cruz, and I ask you to do the same next Tuesday, April 5. If voters unite, just like we've done here in Wisconsin, we can reverse course and restore the principles that have made this nation a land of opportunity.
Ted Cruz, Cruz Campaign Press Release - ICYMI: Scott Walker: Ted Cruz Will Restore Jobs, Freedom, and Security Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/317159