Portrait of Ron DeSantis

DeSantis Campaign Press Release - DeSantis Campaign Statement on Donald Trump’s Refusal to Participate in CNN’s Republican Primary Debate in Iowa

January 02, 2024

Des Moines, IA - After Donald Trump declined to participate in CNN’s Republican Primary debate in Iowa, the DeSantis campaign released the following statement:

"We understand Donald Trump is scared to get on the stage because he'd have to finally explain why he didn't build the wall, added nearly $8 trillion to the debt, and turned the country over to Fauci. But even Gavin Newsom had the courage to stand on the stage to debate his own failed record against Ron Desantis. If it would make the debate more inviting, we would gladly agree to make it a seated format where the former president would be more comfortable."- Communications Director Andrew Romeo

Ron DeSantis, DeSantis Campaign Press Release - DeSantis Campaign Statement on Donald Trump’s Refusal to Participate in CNN’s Republican Primary Debate in Iowa Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/369187

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