Portrait of Ron DeSantis

DeSantis Campaign Press Release - Grassley Congratulates DeSantis Ahead of His Visit to 99th County in Iowa

December 01, 2023

DeSantis releases new video prior to rally in Jasper tomorrow

Des Moines, IA - U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley today congratulated Ron DeSantis ahead of his rally in Jasper tomorrow where DeSantis will visit his 99th County and complete the "Full Grassley."

"I compliment any candidate that holds meetings in all 99 counties and completes what's now called the 'Full Grassley.' I have found it is the best way to show Iowans everyone is important to hear from and no one is forgotten by their senator," - U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley.

DeSantis today released a new video building anticipation for Saturday's rally. DeSantis tweeted:

"When I tell you I'm going to do something, you can take that promise to the bank. I told Iowans I would visit all 99 counties in the Hawkeye State — and tomorrow, I will deliver on that promise."


  • On his 99-county tour, Ron DeSantis has made over 130 stops across the state.

  • DeSantis boasts 41 endorsements from state legislators, eight times as many as Nikki Haley and twice as many as Donald Trump.

  • DeSantis has a total of 120 county-level chairs supporting him (at least one in each of the state's 99 counties).

  • DeSantis is supported by over 100 Iowa pastors and faith leaders who joined DeSantis' National Faith and Freedom Coalition (which was launched in Iowa).

  • DeSantis is endorsed by 26 Iowa sheriffs.

Ron DeSantis, DeSantis Campaign Press Release - Grassley Congratulates DeSantis Ahead of His Visit to 99th County in Iowa Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/369173

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