Portrait of Ron DeSantis

DeSantis Campaign Press Release - ICYMI: Governor DeSantis on The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show: "Bidenomics basically means you pay more for everything... ultimately to the benefit of places like Communist China"

July 10, 2023

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Today, Ron DeSantis joined The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show. See the highlights below.

Watch the full interview HERE.

On Bidenomics:

Bidenomics basically means you pay more for everything, and your standard of living goes down, ultimately to the benefit of places like Communist China. It's important to identify where all this goes back to. You know, the root of this was the COVID lockdowns and the Fauci-ism, and then they did the massive $2 trillion spending plan, spending $2 trillion in March of 2020. You had a massive printing of money by the Federal Reserve. Then December of 2020, another $2.2 trillion, then March of 2021, Biden did $2 trillion, and they've done more and more and more. You cannot inject that much borrowing, printing and spending into the economy and not have persistent inflation. They were warned about doing this. And yet they barrel ahead with it anyways. This has really been a government-induced economic problem, a crisis in terms of affordability.

On defending the innocence of children from woke corporations:

What made Disney kind of the All-American company under Walt and beyond was a focus on family, focus on traditional pro-American values. They would never have wanted to sexualize children the way Disney has. So they just have to look in the mirror [and] understand, first of all, it's wrong. Second of all, people aren't buying this, and it is ultimately to the detriment of the company. It's in the best interest of Disney shareholders that they get refocused on their previous core mission and get the woke out of there. And it goes beyond that [when] you start talking about kids. Because some of the woke in society is kind of annoying, and sometimes you just kind of roll your eyes. When you start talking about our kids, that's when parents really, really rise up in response. And I think it's sad that that's the case, but they have knowingly chosen to go down this road. And I can tell you in Florida, we're one of the few places where we've stood up to these woke companies in defense of parents and children. I get criticized by a lot of Republicans for having done that, but I'll tell you, I would do it again and it was the right thing to do.

On Big Tech censorship:

We will make it very clear that as President, when you're working with tech companies to try to stifle dissent, you are abusing your power, and you are infringing on the Constitutional rights of American citizens, and you will be shown the door. You have got to start firing these malevolent bureaucrats. You can't just let them continue to take more and more of our freedom. And I agree, this is a fundamental issue because the left ultimately wants to dominate every institution in this country and they've dominated a lot of them up to this point, not in Florida because we fought back, but across the country, and they want to impose an orthodoxy. Back during COVID, if you posted an article in those early days criticizing lockdowns, tech companies would pull it down. We had one of our YouTube videos - I had a panel of eminent scientists, people like Dr. Bhattacharya from Stanford, early on in COVID saying kids needed to be in school, that they should not be forced to mask. Google and YouTube took that video down. There was a concerted effort to use massive amounts of power, both corporate and government, to impose an official narrative on the country. And first of all, that's just not what a free society is all about. But also, as you guys know, the official narrative coming out of our elites is almost always wrong, and it's almost always destructive to a healthy society.

Ron DeSantis, DeSantis Campaign Press Release - ICYMI: Governor DeSantis on The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show: "Bidenomics basically means you pay more for everything... ultimately to the benefit of places like Communist China" Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/364161

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