Portrait of Ron DeSantis

DeSantis Campaign Press Release - ICYMI: Ron DeSantis Joins Hannity Live from Des Moines Rally

November 06, 2023

"You've got to fight for people. You've got to be able to deliver the wins, both politically and [on] policy. And you've got to be able to lead, even when it's not easy."

DES MOINES, Iowa — Ron DeSantis joined Sean Hannity on Fox News' Hannity live from a rally in Des Moines, Iowa tonight. Read the highlights below.

Watch the interview here.

On winning the Iowa caucuses:

I spend most of my time talking about my record of accomplishment, my bio, and my vision for the future. I mean, that, ultimately is, I think, what this is all about. We see the country hit the skids. We see the decline across all these indicators. And the question is, are we just going to kind of shrug our shoulders and accept the managed decline of the country, or are we going to reverse the decline and have an American revival? And that's going to require leadership. You've got to fight for people. You've got to be able to deliver the wins both politically and [on] policy. And you've got to be able to lead even when it's not easy. And so that's the message we have. And, you know, here in Iowa, Sean--you know because you've covered this--and I know you've been here and done events--a caucus is unlike a typical election. I mean, these are people that are going to go out in mid-January, when it's very cold, and they're going to have to go to a site for many hours to be able to register their preference. And so it's really an organizational game. We've now visited 87 of 99 Iowa counties. I'm the only candidate that's going to visit all 99 Iowa counties--which is a tradition here. It's called the full Grassley. So we're committed to doing that.

On Kim Reynolds' commitment to campaigning:

Obviously, when you have somebody like Governor Reynolds, she's committed to campaigning for us and being very active, that is going to very much help. [I]t's [about] lining up the people that are going to commit to caucus for you. We've got tens of thousands already that have done that, and we're going to work to get many more.

Ron DeSantis, DeSantis Campaign Press Release - ICYMI: Ron DeSantis Joins Hannity Live from Des Moines Rally Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/370895

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