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DeSantis Campaign Press Release - ICYMI: Ron DeSantis Live on Fox and Friends

December 01, 2023

"We exposed him [Gavin Newsom], we exposed the failed liberal policies, and he didn't really have an answer."

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Ron DeSantis today joined Lawrence Jones on Fox and Friends live. The highlights are below.

Watch the full interview HERE.

On if Gavin Newsom will be the nominee for the Democratic Party:

Not after last night, I don't think he will be. I think we showed, we exposed him, we exposed the failed liberal policies, and he didn't really have an answer. I mean, he would just obfuscate, he would shift, he would lie. That is not going to play well.

On how last night's debate showed he's the best candidate to beat the left in 2024:

I think last night showed I'm the only guy running that's got a record of winning, and winning big for conservatives. Yes, winning elections big -- we need to win, we haven't won a lot of elections -- but then delivering on all these promises. I've delivered on 100% of my promises. If I tell you I'm going to build the wall, stop the invasion, take that to the bank, I am going to do it. If I tell you we're going to go in there and deal with this swamp and drain it, I am going to do it. This isn't just lip service. So people know that I'm a leader who will go in there, I can serve two terms, which we need a two-term president, and get the job done. And I think that's what we want.

On Gavin Newsom's blatant lies on the debate stage:

Because when he's up there saying things they know are false, like saying California's taxes are lower than Florida, everyone knows that's false. When he says Biden is 100% mentally fit at the top of his game, everybody knows that's a lie. And so when you tell obvious untruths, I think people are [caught that]. And then also, what's his answer to the map I showed of San Francisco, where they plot all the places where they have the poop? And it's like, wait a minute, that is what's happened to one of the formerly great cities in the country under his watch. And they did clean it up for the communist dictator.

Ron DeSantis, DeSantis Campaign Press Release - ICYMI: Ron DeSantis Live on Fox and Friends Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/370665

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