DeSantis Campaign Press Release - ICYMI: Ron DeSantis on The Morning Answer: "Our Founding Fathers risked their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to establish a nation conceived in freedom."
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — This morning, Governor Ron DeSantis joined guest host and South Carolina State Senator Josh Kimbrell for the Greenville, SC-based radio show The Morning Answer. Find highlights below:
Listen to the full interview HERE.
On the significance of Independence Day:
"You know, we -- our Founding Fathers risked their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to establish a nation conceived in freedom. And if they had not been successful, they all would have been beheaded and lost their lives. And they stood up and it changed the course of human history. So, we need to appreciate the uniqueness of America and we need to give thanks for their sacrifice."
On his plans to break the swamp:
"I'm the only public official in America that has actually removed George-Soros funded prosecutor, which we did in Tampa. When I became Governor, I removed the Sheriff of Broward County who bungled the Parkland School shooting massacre. We've removed local election officials who were bungling elections. We've taken swift, decisive action to be able to ensure that we have a constitutionally accountable government. And I think if you look nationally, we were told in 2016, by then-candidate Trump, he was going to Drain the Swamp. The Swamp got way worse under his administration, and he didn't even fire Dr. Anthony Fauci. And in fact, gave Fauci an award on his last day in office, January 19, 2021. And so, I would have fired Fauci in a New York minute.
When I'm President, we will have a new director of the FBI. It's interesting, Donald Trump says, 'Christopher Wray, the jury's still out on him,' as if you would consider keeping him. That would not be the case with me, you know, we would have top-to-bottom housecleaning. But we'll also have a plan, and you got to be disciplined, you got to be focused, you can't get distracted when it comes to dealing with these people. But we're going to have a plan to systematically remove power out of Washington, D.C., and there'll be a number of different things that are involved with that. But the reality is, we have accumulation of power in the bureaucracy. It has become a fourth branch of government, which our Founding Fathers never intended, and did not put in the Constitution. This bureaucracy acts with impunity against us, it imposes its will on us, when I come to town, it'll be time for We the People to impose our will on it."
On his plan to stop the invasion and secure the border:
"On day one, we're declaring this a national emergency. That's going to allow me to mobilize all available resources, including the military to get down to the border and stop the invasion. We've got to stop the invasion. Yes, we will construct a border wall. I think it's important. Some people say, 'Oh, just use technology.' No, the border is so big. You have to have barriers there otherwise it's just not going to work. We're also going to fight the Mexican drug cartels. I think if you look at what's happened, these cartels basically operate the border. They move product in with impunity. We have 10s of 1000s of people dying because of fentanyl overdose. It's interesting, Josh, because I've been down to different parts of the border over the last several years. About a month ago, I was in Arizona, and there was a barrier there. Big steel beams, some of it was under Obama, some of us under Trump, but the cartels will actually cut through the big steel beams, and they'll run product in. Yet, we just let that happen. What I said is, you know, we're going to have rules of engagement, so that if the cartels are breaking through our border wall to try to run drugs in, that's going to be the last thing they ever do, because those people are going to end up stone cold dead. We're going to use force to defend our country. We're also going to be willing to be forward leaning against the cartels in Mexico, as well as conduct maritime operations to interdict all these precursor chemicals that are coming in from China."
On how he has defeated the woke in Florida and would do so as president:
"Woke ideology impacts the economy, the military, criminal law, everything. Our freedom is under assault as woke infects more institutions. I've defeated the woke in Florida. As President, together we will defeat the woke all across this country."
Ron DeSantis, DeSantis Campaign Press Release - ICYMI: Ron DeSantis on The Morning Answer: "Our Founding Fathers risked their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to establish a nation conceived in freedom." Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/364227