DeSantis Campaign Press Release - ICYMI: Ron DeSantis on WHO Radio's Max & Amy In The Morning
"Leadership matters."
Tallahassee, FL - Ron DeSantis this morning joined WHO Radio's Max & Amy In The Morning. The highlights are below.
Listen to the full interview HERE.
On what a President DeSantis will do to reverse the nation's decline:
They want to see results. I think they're sick of the chaos. They're sick of the drama, they're sick of the nonsense that's gone with our politics in the last many years. They want to see a leader that's going to actually deliver all these things. It's not about rhetoric anymore, it's about results. So for example, border will declare it a national emergency on day one, stop the invasion, build the wall and hold the Mexican drug cartels accountable. Energy, we're going to reverse Biden's Green New Deal, open up all of our energy for production, lower gas prices and be energy independent. Economy, we're going to reverse Bidenomics, all the rules, regulations, executive orders, rip it out on day one, work with Congress to spend less money, get those interest rates down and let people have a chance at the American dream again. We can talk about these things. I'm the only one running that has a record of 100% of the things I promised I would do as governor, I delivered on 100%. And so, when I'm going in as President, I'll be ready on day one and I'll have a plan to actually bring all this stuff to fruition. I'm not running to be somebody or to have a title. I'm running to get all this stuff done on behalf of the American people.
On the importance of winning and leading an American comeback:
We have well over 30,000 caucus commitments already, which is fantastic. We're building more and more every day. When I go out, and I'm in front of people and we make the case, the number one comment I get after that, when I'm shaking hands is 'you flipped me, you flipped me,' I don't even have to ask what that means. It means that they were leaning to Trump because he they know him. And then when they saw me, they view me as a better option. And here's the thing, we Biden, everyone's saying he's too old. But if it's Trump versus Biden, whoever would win that would be the oldest president ever elected in American history. We'd be seeding the age issue, I think I would represent vigor and vitality and the executive that we sorely need. I'm also somebody that would be eligible to serve two terms. I mean, you know, Donald Trump would be a lame duck on day one. That's a huge liability, in terms of actually being able to get all this stuff done. And then I'm the guy that has proven that I can win and win big. You know, media is talking about these polls, saying any Republican will beat Biden, even Trump, but trust me, as we get closer, the media and the left, they're going to start turning the screws, you know, they're not going to let Trump win another election in this country. I've shown I can beat the left. In Florida we won the biggest election victory in Republican history in the state of Florida. And I would also remind people, those polls leading into that midterm said we were going to have a red wave nationally, didn't happen and happened in Iowa, happened in Florida. And that's because we had strong leadership. So I'll be somebody on day one that will get to work for this country. I don't have distractions. It's not about me, it's about you and it's about this country's future. If we have that mindset, we're going to be able to do a lot of good thing.
On finishing his Iowa 99-county tour:
We've done 98 of 99. We're going to finish the 'Full Grassley,' all 99 counties by visiting Jasper County. Stay tuned for that. We're going to put out the announcement hopefully soon. It'll be after Thanksgiving. And I'll tell you, this is the way you have to do this to earn it. You got to go to every community, you don't just go to the big population centers, you got to go to small towns, rural counties, you got to ask people for their vote, you got to shake their hands and answer their questions. And that's what we've done. And I think Iowans really appreciate that I believe I have to earn their vote. And I'll tell you, it's given me a lot of encouragement about the future of this country, because you see all this bad stuff happening, how the media has behaved, all this stuff. But yet what I've seen in this 99-county tour, I've seen decency, I've seen patriotic, hardworking Iowans, God fearing, and that is really the backbone of America. And that's the spirit we need to bring back to the forefront, so we can get this country on the right track again.
On making America energy dominant:
I did a robust energy plan that we unveiled in Midland, Texas, right in front of a big oil well. And we're going to open up all domestic energy for production, Permian Basin, Marcellus, Bakken, Alaska, Keystone pipeline, you don't get that energy unless you frack that's how you get it. And Marcellus Shale would not be worth anything if you didn't have that. That's the linchpin of our whole energy program. We need to lower people's gas prices and we need to lower energy costs. What they're what they're talking about is Florida, we have a constitutional amendment that does not allow drilling off our coast because we're a tourism based economy, the voters approve that. So I have enforced that as governor. So all you Iowans that want to go down to Marco Island or all these places, don't worry, there's not going to be an oil well off that. But in other states that want to do it, Texas, Louisiana, of course, they're going to be able to drill offshore. So that ad has been debunked, it was given four Pinocchios. But I think it shows the one that people are going after because people see me as the threat to win the Iowa caucus, and then ultimately, to turn this country around. And there's a lot of folks that don't want to see the type of change that I know we need.
On his debate with California Governor Gavin Newsom:
A lot of Democrats want to remove Biden, he may not be the candidate. So as Republicans, we gotta be ready for a different candidate. It may be Newsom, it may be Kamala, it may be some of these other Democrats. And I think the American people need to see the contrast because you look at somebody like Newsom, he's a much more left wing version of Biden, I mean, he's joined at the hip with Biden, he likes everything Biden's done, but he would accelerate the direction that the country is going and that would accelerate our country's collapse if someone like that were able to get in there. In Florida, we have a model to revive this country. We've led the nation on so many different things. People are fleeing into our state. They're leaving California and record numbers. So leadership matters. But I will say this, and you guys are well governed with Governor Reynolds and your legislature, but in states and cities that have imposed a leftist agenda, it has failed in every corner of this country. And it's not just some inconveniences, it has actually led to the collapse of some of our once most proud cities like San Francisco and Chicago and Philadelphia. We cannot allow that to take hold throughout this country for another four years.
Ron DeSantis, DeSantis Campaign Press Release - ICYMI: Ron DeSantis on WHO Radio's Max & Amy In The Morning Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/369206