Portrait of Ron DeSantis

DeSantis Campaign Press Release - Nikki Haley: A Sell Out to Woke Corporations and China

January 10, 2024

Nikki Haley is just another establishment politician who sold out conservatives to serve the interests of woke corporations and the Chinese Communist Party.

As a state lawmaker and governor of South Carolina, Haley embraced big government spending on corporate welfare, including almost $1 billion taxpayer subsidies to Boeing. A few years later, Boeing appointed Haley to a lucrative board seat. Haley also used state resources to court Chinese investment as governor.

The record is clear: Haley will cave to special interests instead of doing what's right for the American people. Stopping reckless spending and standing up to the CCP means keeping the Bank of Boeing far away from the White House.



  • As a state legislator, Nikki Haley supported a corporate welfare package for Boeing valued at $900 million in order to lure the company to Charleston.
  • Two years later, Boeing was one of the largest corporate donors to Nikki Haley's inauguration committee.
  • As Governor, Nikki Haley signed legislation that gave subsidies worth about $120 million to Boeing, a move that drew protests from the Tea Party movement.
  • Boeing appointed Haley to its board in 2019. She stepped down in 2020, after collecting over $300,000 in cash and stock.


Ron DeSantis, DeSantis Campaign Press Release - Nikki Haley: A Sell Out to Woke Corporations and China Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/370646

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