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DeSantis Campaign Press Release - Nikki Haley's Record of Flip-Flopping on Israel

January 10, 2024

Nikki Haley claims to be the most pro-Israel candidate in the race, but as with other issues, she cannot be trusted to keep her promises. That is because her positions, beliefs, and even her "personalities" change depending on her audience.

Here are some of Nikki Haley's flip-flops on Israel, the conflict with Palestinians, and the United Nations:

  • On the Israel / Palestinian conflict:
    • In 2017, Haley said: "We absolutely support a two-state solution."
    • During her confirmation hearing as Trump's nominee for U.N. Ambassador, Senator Cory Booker asked Haley, "Do you support a two-state solution?" Haley responded: "I do."
    • But more recently, as a candidate for president in 2023, Haley has changed her tune: "A two-state solution is not a true conversation."
  • On importing Gaza refugees to America:
    • In October 2023, just a week after Hamas attacked Israel, Nikki Haley said of Gaza refugees: "There are so many of these people who want to be free…. America has always been sympathetic to the fact that you can separate civilians from terrorists."
    • Two days later, after seeing the backlash to her initial reaction, Haley switched her position and admitted "we can't vet" refugees from Gaza.
  • On defunding the U.N.:
    • As a presidential candidate in 2023, Nikki Haley accused the U.N. of discriminating against Israel and vowed to "defund the U.N. as much as possible."
    • However, at her confirmation hearing as U.N. ambassador in 2017, Haley said the opposite: "I do not think we need to pull money from the U.N."
    • Haley promises one thing on the campaign trail but does the opposite when she gets into a position of power.
  • On sending taxpayer dollars to UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA):
    • UNRWA has long faced criticism for promoting antisemitism among Palestinian youth. As a presidential candidate, Haley claims to be against UNRWA and has said she would pull the US out of "anti-Israel" organizations as president.
    • But when Trump appointed her to serve as UN Ambassador, Haley was a fervent supporter of sending U.S. aid to Gaza — including through the corrupt UNRWA. She defended UNRWA funding on several occasions.
    • HALEY: "The only reason why I'd say don't eliminate UNRWA is because there is so much resentment between the Palestinians behind that fence and Israel. ... the schooling and the healthcare for those groups in there, I mean there's no other place for them to get it. There's a population there that does need to have that."
    • HALEY in 2017, defended continued US taxpayer funding for UNRWA despite admitting the problems with antisemitism in UNRWA-funded Palestinian school books and Hamas members teaching in UNRWA-funded schools: "I visited an UNRWA camp... I asked about the books and what we were seeing, they think they've gotten it down. They said the problem comes down to the culture, versus what we think is incitement. ... I will say there is also good that comes out of UNRWA. What they do with the schools and the healthcare, you do see value in it."

Conservatives cannot trust Nikki Haley. She says what she thinks people want to hear in any given moment, flip-flopping on key issues like Israel because she doesn't have core principles that guide her decisions. In 2024, the stakes are too high to rely on a typical career politician like Nikki Haley.

Ron DeSantis, DeSantis Campaign Press Release - Nikki Haley's Record of Flip-Flopping on Israel Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/370639

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