DeSantis Campaign Press Release - Ron DeSantis Unveils Declaration of Economic Independence
DeSantis vows to fight for the middle class and take on the elites, DC bureaucrats, and Communist China to put the American Dream back within reach
Ron DeSantis Unveils Declaration of Economic Independence
DeSantis vows to fight for the middle class and take on the elites, DC bureaucrats, and Communist China to put the American Dream back within reach
ROCHESTER, N.H. — Governor Ron DeSantis today unveiled his "Declaration of Economic Independence" at a New Hampshire manufacturing facility alongside local business owners and workers. DeSantis' detailed, 10-point plan will reverse the decline of our nation's struggling economy and fight for the middle class by taking on the elites, DC bureaucrats, and Communist China.
"We must be a society in which Americans who work hard and give the most of their God-given ability are able to succeed, to afford to buy a home, a car and to raise a family," Ron DeSantis said. "My promise is that I will always fight for our citizens, our families, our future, and our way of life – and I will never back down. We will take back control of our destiny — and ensure that our future is as proud, independent, and free as our past."
DeSantis' "Declaration of Economic Independence" has 10 key pillars.
Taking Back Control of our Economy from China and Restoring our Economic Sovereignty
Achieving 3% Growth by Incentivizing Investment, Eliminating Bureaucracy and Red Tape, and Keeping Taxes Low
Unleashing American Energy Independence
Ending Environmental, Social, and Governance Standards and Political Engineering by Large Investors
Restoring Merit and Respect for the Individual as the Central Criteria for Economic Advancement
Reforming our Education System and Lowering Barriers to Entry for Working Class Americans
Creating a Fair Labor Market by Securing the Border and Enforcing our Laws
Reining in the Federal Reserve
Opposing Bailouts and Holding Bad Economic Actors Responsible
Fighting Reckless and Wasteful Federal Spending
This is the third major policy announcement DeSantis has made since launching his campaign. It follows the plan to stop the invasion and secure the border DeSantis unveiled last month in Texas and his plan he released in South Carolina for a mission first military. DeSantis has also discussed actions he would take to end the weaponization of the federal government.
Taking Back Control of our Economy from China and Restoring our Economic Sovereignty
DeSantis will end our abusive relationship with the CCP, reverse our ever-increasing trade deficits, ban imports of goods made from stolen intellectual property, strengthen protections to stop child and forced labor, and end China's preferential trade status.
DeSantis will demand that American companies act in accordance with American interests — which means preventing companies from sharing critical technologies with China and banning the sale of strategic assets like farmland to CCP members and their affiliates.DeSantis will incentivize the repatriation of U.S. capital from China through strategic tax abatements and aligning market incentives with strategic goals to help secure our supply chains and invest in America.
Achieving 3% Growth by Incentivizing Investment, Eliminating Bureaucracy and Red Tape, and Keeping Taxes Low
DeSantis will advance an ambitious tax and regulatory reform agenda to unleash American production, increase productivity and growth, and support our families, workers, and small businesses while lowering inflation.
DeSantis will reverse Biden's job-crippling and ideological regulations and executive orders on Day One.
DeSantis will eliminate the fourth branch of government. The days of attempting to regulate the American economy into oblivion by ideological extremism will be done.DeSantis will work to not only extend the individual tax rates and further simplify the tax code, but also seek permanence.DeSantis will seek a more competitive tax system that incentivizes long-term, domestic investment over financial speculation and short-term returns while purging the code of K Street carveouts and loopholes.
DeSantis will seek to make permanent full immediate expensing, maintain territoriality, and further strengthen base erosion measures to ensure corporations are investing in America.DeSantis will use all available Article II authority to restore accountability in the executive branch, move agencies out of DC and slash the bureaucratic state, restrict foreign lobbying and post-employment revolving doors by former government officials, and ban individual stock trading by members of Congress and executive branch officials.
Unleashing American Energy Independence
DeSantis will unleash our domestic energy sector, modernize and protect our grid, and advance American energy independence. This will not only increase our economic and national security while reducing inflation, it will also help fuel a manufacturing renaissance that will create jobs, revitalize our communities, and improve our standard of living. We can no longer afford to tie one arm behind our economy's back by prioritizing the left's ideological agenda, crushing regulations, and endless permitting requirements.DeSantis will reverse the federal government's attempt to force people to buy electric vehicles. We will save the American automobile.
Ending Environmental, Social, and Governance Standards and Political Engineering by Large Investors
DeSantis will not tolerate woke corporations using ESG as an end-run around our constitutional system to impose heavy-handed, left-wing edicts through concentrated private power. There will be no ideological litmus test for getting a loan, establishing a bank account, or running a business.
DeSantis will strengthen rules governing fiduciary responsibilities, transparency requirements, and scrutiny of firms that manage public pension funds.
Restoring Merit and Respect for the Individual as the Central Criteria for Economic Advancement
DeSantis will instruct the DOJ Civil Rights Division and relevant agencies to root out discrimination under the false guises of diversity, equity, and inclusion. "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion" programs are racist, discriminatory, and obscure the fundamental truth that all men are created equal.
Reforming our Education System and Lowering Barriers to Entry for Working Class Americans
DeSantis will support school choice nationwide, protect parental rights, reform accreditation, and steer funding towards programs and institutions that support the jobs of the future. Our students will learn how to read, write, do math, and think critically instead of learning to hate our country. DeSantis will educate artisans and engineers instead of politicized administrators and bureaucrats, seeking to accelerate students along these career paths as early as possible.DeSantis will work with the private sector to accelerate and develop vocational and apprenticeship programs in anticipation of our great industrial revival, with a goal to become #1 in the world for skilled trades by 2030.DeSantis will no longer incentivize useless degrees and courses with blanket government loans. To that end, he will make universities, not taxpayers, responsible for the loans their students accrue. He will also seek to allow student loans to be discharged through bankruptcy like any other loan.
Creating a Fair Labor Market by Securing the Border and Enforcing our Laws
DeSantis will create a fair labor market by securing the border, enforcing our laws, eliminating chain migration and the diversity visa lottery, and limiting unskilled immigration.
DeSantis will make it a top priority of his administration to destroy the fentanyl market in America.
The American immigration system will serve Americans — not multinational corporate elites.
Reining in the Federal Reserve
DeSantis will appoint a Chairman of the Federal Reserve who will focus on maintaining a stable dollar instead of the political pressures of the day. The Fed must focus on stable prices; it is not a social engineer and cannot be allowed to be an unaccountable economic central planner.
DeSantis will ensure that the Federal Reserve does not implement a central bank digital currency to control the finances of hardworking Americans. DeSantis will block any attempts to establish a Central Bank Digital Currency or any other policies that will move us closer to a social credit system.
Where Washington has sought to regulate and inhibit innovation such as Bitcoin and other new technologies, DeSantis will protect entrepreneurship from central planners who seek to stifle what they cannot control.
Opposing Bailouts and Holding Bad Economic Actors Responsible
DeSantis will require "clear language" disclosures by banks and shadow banks to increase transparency and better track systemic risks.DeSantis will support community and regional banks that bolster the economic front lines of main street AmericaDeSantis will protect cryptocurrencies and work to end politically driven debanking and financial doxing.
In the event of an existential economic crisis, DeSantis will seek to strip those accountable of all golden parachutes and prevent the further accumulation of wealth to those already deemed too big to fail.
Fighting Reckless and Wasteful Federal Spending
DeSantis will be a new sheriff in town when it comes to spending, and he will not be afraid of using his veto pen. Our government programs as they exist today are wrought with waste, fraud, and abuse, and continue to be a major drag on our economy, our budget, and the flourishing of our citizens.DeSantis use his Article II authority to prohibit federal grants to entities that engage in active discrimination through DEI or other unconstitutional initiatives. He will no longer allow hardworking families and taxpayers to have their tax dollars flow to organizations that seek to undermine their values and beliefs.DeSantis will also mandate work requirements for welfare programs.
Ron DeSantis, DeSantis Campaign Press Release - Ron DeSantis Unveils Declaration of Economic Independence Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/364208