Portrait of Ron DeSantis

DeSantis Campaign Press Release - Ron DeSantis Will Declare our Economic Independence

September 27, 2023

Ron DeSantis has a detailed plan to revive our nation's struggling economy, fight for the middle class, and declare our economic independence from the elites, DC bureaucrats, and Communist China.

"We must be a society in which Americans who work hard and give the most of their God-given ability are able to succeed, to afford to buy a home, a car and to raise a family. My promise is that I will always fight for our citizens, our families, our future, and our way of life – and I will never back down. We will take back control of our destiny — and ensure that our future is as proud, independent, and free as our past." - Ron DeSantis

As President, DeSantis will:

  • Take Back Control of our Economy from China and Restore our Economic Sovereignty
  • Achieve 3% Growth by Incentivizing Investment, Eliminating Bureaucracy and Red Tape, and Keeping Taxes Low
  • Unleash American Energy Independence
  • End Environmental, Social, and Governance Standards and Political Engineering by Large Investors
  • Restore Merit and Respect for the Individual as the Central Criteria for Economic Advancement
  • Reform our Education System and Lower Barriers to Entry for Working Class Americans
  • Create a Fair Labor Market by Securing the Border and Enforcing our Laws
  • Rein in the Federal Reserve
  • Oppose Bailouts and Hold Bad Economic Actors Responsible
  • Fight Reckless and Wasteful Federal Spending

Watch the highlights of DeSantis' economic policy rollout HERE and watch his full speech HERE.

Ron DeSantis, DeSantis Campaign Press Release - Ron DeSantis Will Declare our Economic Independence Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/370835

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