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DeSantis Campaign Press Release - In The News: Governor Kevin Stitt: For America to become energy-dominant, we need President Ron DeSantis

October 02, 2023

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt wrote an op-ed titled "For America to become energy-dominant, we need President Ron DeSantis." Read more from the Washington Examiner below.

Governor Kevin Stitt: For America to become energy-dominant, we need President Ron DeSantis

Washington Examiner

Gov. Kevin Stitt

October 10, 2023

Energy production is the backbone of the Oklahoma economy. For over a century, my state has been a leader in helping Americans achieve energy independence. As a fourth-generation Oklahoman, I am so proud of our oil and natural gas industries. Nationally, we are number six in oil production and number five in natural gas production. We have one of the most affordable and reliable energy grids in the nation.

But America's domestic energy industry is under attack. President Joe Biden and the environmental activists that staff his administration are undertaking a full-frontal assault against energy-producing states like mine. At every turn, they have stymied and suppressed this industry's ability to provide affordable and reliable energy to all Americans.

As a result, everything costs more for American families. Biden has succumbed to pressure from environmental groups and has left us reliant on often hostile nations for our country's energy needs. This makes no sense. America is blessed with an abundance of natural resources. We can and we should take advantage and onshore our energy needs.

We need a president who is going to increase and expand domestic production of oil and gas. There is no honest conversation to be had about making energy affordable and reliable for every American without it. We also need a president who will get out of the way of American companies and let them have the freedom to fuel our economy.

In June, I endorsed Ron DeSantis for president. I know Ron is a good husband and father, and a true conservative leader who understands how to get government out of the way and get back to common-sense policy. That was on full display last week when he unveiled his energy policy in Midland, Texas.

Ron understands that we need to unleash American energy and reverse harmful Green New Deal policies that Biden continues to push. He knows that fracking and drilling companies are continuing to find new and innovative ways to extract the high-quality oil and gas we need to heat our homes and keep the lights on.

On day one, President DeSantis will unleash oil and gas exploration and development, repeal President Biden's unworkable electric vehicle mandates, streamline the permitting process, and reverse and replace all policies that increase our reliance on foreign adversaries like China. His plan will prioritize common-sense energy policies to create millions of jobs, combat inflation and strengthen our economic and national security.

Ron DeSantis also knows how important it is to onshore our critical mineral needs. This is key to our national security. Right now, China is actively trying to monopolize the world's supply of critical minerals — elements essential for things like cellphones, wind turbines, satellites, and precision-guided munitions. Fortunately, the United States and our allies have the supply necessary to counter China's dominance of this industry. Oklahoma is helping to lead this charge. We recently opened the first domestic rare earth metal and magnet facility in Stillwater, and just this week, a Lithium-ion battery recycling plant announced that it would move its manufacturing to Bartlesville. These are positive developments, but we need a president like Ron DeSantis who will make critical mineral dominance a priority.

As a fellow governor who watched him lead through COVID, I know the pressure he faced when he chose to keep Florida's economy open. Now, it's one of the best in the nation, and people are flocking to his state. I know Ron will never back down and will always deliver on his promises to the people he serves.

Ron DeSantis' energy plan is bold, it's ambitious, and it's exactly what America needs right now. If we want American energy dominance, we need President Ron DeSantis.

Ron DeSantis, DeSantis Campaign Press Release - In The News: Governor Kevin Stitt: For America to become energy-dominant, we need President Ron DeSantis Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/370804

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