Portrait of Ron DeSantis

DeSantis Campaign Press Release - What They Are Saying: Debate Day

September 27, 2023

"He has more wins and more races than anyone else on that debate stage."

"The other candidates really can't attack him much for his record, so, I don't know what they're going to say."

Pete Snyder on Fox Business

"Ron DeSantis has been winning his entire career, he has more wins and more races than anyone else on that debate stage. And if you look at the metrics on how we measure how people are doing in this presidential race, we do it by fundraising. He's beating everyone including Donald Trump and Joe Biden, when it comes to fundraising. And your viewers, Maria, Fox News viewers said and rest of America that he won the first debate. So I think he's going to come in comfortable, he's going to come in fighting, and he's going to be our nominee."

James Uthmeier, Campaign Manager, on Fox News

"The governor is going to show up again at this debate. He always shows up. If Donald Trump was so confident I think he'd show up and work hard and explain to the American people his vision for the future of this country. Ron DeSantis will show up as he did in the Middle East serving after 9/11 as he did in Florida when Trump and Fauci wanted to shut down businesses and schools. He will be there he will show up and he will talk about the things that the early voters want to hear about. And I've spoken to hundreds of them. They don't want to talk about the polls. We don't elect presidents based on polls, especially not in September. If we did, we'd be talking about presidents Ben Carson and John Kasich, and we know how those campaigns ended. Instead, people want to talk about how are we going to make this country affordable again, Ron DeSantis is doing that. He rolled out a detailed energy policy talking about how he's going to bring gas down, back to $2.25 and he's proven over and over again that he will fight both Democrats and Republicans on the irresponsible spending. He pulled out the red pen in Florida and vetoed over $6 million in legislative appropriations, while former President Trump ran up over $7 trillion to this country's deficit. There's just no excuse for it."

David Polyansky, Senior Adviser, on NBC News Now

"Tonight is an opportunity to drive your message, clean air without the former president being on stage gives you the chance to do just that. So talk about your record. Number one, what have you done that gives people a back at home hope that you're going to do what you say you're going to do. Number two, the opportunity to get out here and talk about your vision for the country. I think all the candidates on stage generally agree that the country is in decline. What are you going to do to reverse that decline when it comes to polls? I think you saw even yesterday in the CBS poll in Iowa, Governor DeSantis is back in the 20s. We're on the trajectory where we need to be which is to take out Donald Trump in January, not in September."

Ryan Tyson, Senior Advisor, on CBS News
"The governor is the only one on that stage last time in Milwaukee, the only one on the stage tonight, that has a message. He's got a message to deliver, to not just this party, but to the American people. About repealing Bidenomics, getting this country up on its feet moving forward. We're not reading any memos from Super PACs or political consultants or media pundits at this point. He looks forward to staring the American people in the eye sharing with him his vision for how to get this country back on its feet moving forward."

Hal Lambert on Fox Business

"Governor DeSantis has the best conservative track record of anybody in this race, and probably any elected official in the country on the Republican side. So he's going to be able to talk about that and talk about his vision for the country, he'll do well, he's always prepared, he'll be there. The other candidates really can't attack him much for his record. So I don't know what they're going to say he's going to talk a lot about what his vision is for the country. He just rolled out an energy plan a couple of weeks ago, he's probably going to talk about that. And that's quite frankly, a national security issue, but also an inflation issue. And if we can get energy prices down in this country, which Biden has no interest in doing, we can really help control inflation. And I think that's a big factor with a lot of voters."

David Polyanksy, Senior Advisor, on ABC News Live

Ron DeSantis' campaign is built for longevity, meaning our eyes on the prize in January 15, in Iowa, January 23, in New Hampshire, and then heading into South Carolina from there. So our goal tonight is really to take advantage of the absence of the former president and use that void to drive our message. And our message is pretty clear. The country is in decline. Joe Biden has helped lead it. But you know what, so have Republicans and Democrats in Washington. Most importantly for us is the opportunity to tell people our vision to reverse that decline, and most importantly, what the governor has done in Florida to prove that he can get that done. That's on the economy, that's on immigration, that's on crime. It's even combating COVID and government overreach. And so we're excited about tonight, again, not looking for specific moments, but an opportunity in that void to continue to drive our message.

Governor Kevin Stitt on Live Now Fox

"I think it's a two-man race in Iowa. It's a long time until January util the Iowa caucus. But here's the deal: most Americans understand that the US is in decline right now. Record inflation, public safety right now in our cities. And then you think about I want Americans to kind of look at the records of these people run. And then you look at Governor Ron DeSantis, in Florida. I mean, he is a proven leader, he's somebody that can win and beat Biden be there for eight years. We need a president could be there for eight years. And if you look at where's everybody moving to California, or Florida? Well, of course, they're moving to Florida, the American Dream is alive and well in Florida. And it's because of Ron DeSantis. Leadership, the guy never backs down. I was a governor during COVID. And I know how hard that was. And the guy's a leader, he was at the point of the spear. And, you know, he thinks like we do, he thinks about family values and, and energy independence and safe communities. And he's going to support our military. He's a Navy officer, the smartest guy running Harvard Law School. The guy's amazing. And when Americans understand that I think he wins this thing going away."

Carly Atchison, National Spokeswoman, on Newsmax

"I would just go back to Ron DeSantis is somebody who is the strongest leader in this country. That's why he's running for president. He wants to take his vision, his plan to the rest of the American people. And look, whether it's Joe Biden, whether it's Donald Trump, whether it's the rest of these candidates we'll see on stage Wednesday night, whether it's Gavin Newsom, let's have the debate. Let's let the American people decide who's best to be president of the United States."

Rep. Rich McCormick on SiriusXM

"I mean, he's had an incredible success as a governor, incredible growth fiscally incredible growth in numbers... and the fact that his cities are thriving, is status driving, he went from barely winning the first election after four years to winning by almost 20 points. While he has a booming economy and low crime, and I think you can hang his hat on that he's got to make himself the clear front runner as far as experiences actually been applied as success. And if he does that, I think it'll be very strong. And I think that'll lead to an even stronger, one on one against Newsom, the next standard bearer for the Democratic Party."

Jose Oliva, National Spokesman, on NewsNation

"If you look at the results for President Trump, not just in the elections, but in those candidates that follow that line, and you look at the results that Governor DeSantis had in Florida, a state that was considered purple and a swing state up until this last election, you will find that what voters are really looking for is authenticity. They're not looking for somebody who will pander and say what they want to hear. They're looking for someone that will stand on their principals in a moment of crisis, as was this pandemic, and do what they said they would do. And that's what the governor has routinely done over and over."

Ron DeSantis, DeSantis Campaign Press Release - What They Are Saying: Debate Day Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/370817

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