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Digest of Other White House Announcements

November 29, 1996

The following list includes the President's public schedule and other items of general interest announced by the Office of the Press Secretary and not included elsewhere in this issue.

November 23

In the evening, the President and Hillary Clinton traveled from Port Douglas, Australia, to Manila, Philippines.

November 24

In the morning, the President met with President Fidel V. Ramos of the Philippines at the Coconut Palace in Manila. In the afternoon, he met with President Kim Yong-sam of South Korea in the Executive Lounge of the Central Bank.

In the evening, the President attended a meeting with the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Business Advisory Council and, later, an APEC dinner hosted by President Ramos at the Philippine International Convention Center. After the dinner, the President attended an informal meeting of the APEC leaders.

The White House announced that the President and President Jiang Zemin of China have accepted each other's invitation for state visits to be made during 1997 and 1998 at a time and a sequence to be determined.

November 25

In the morning and afternoon, the President attended a series of meetings with APEC leaders at the APEC Conference Center.

In the evening, the President traveled to Bangkok, Thailand. Later, the President and Hillary Clinton visited Chitrlada Palace and were received by King Phumiphon and Queen Sirikit of Thailand.

November 26

In the morning, the President met with incumbent Prime Minister Banhan Sinlapa-acha of Thailand at Boromabiman Palace. In the afternoon, he met with Prime Minister-elect Gen. Chavalit Yongchaiyudh at the U.S. Ambassador's residence.

Later, the President and Hillary Clinton visited the Temple of the Emerald Buddha, the Hall of Kings, and the Royal Library near the royal residence.

After midnight, the President and Hillary Clinton traveled to Anchorage, AK, crossing the international dateline and arriving in the evening Alaska time. Later, they returned to Washington, DC, arriving after midnight eastern standard time.

The President declared a major disaster in Hawaii and ordered Federal aid to supplement State and local recovery efforts in the area struck by prolonged and heavy rains, high surf, flooding, landslides, mudslides, and severe storms beginning November 5 and continuing.

November 27

In the evening, the President and Hillary and Chelsea Clinton went to Camp David, MD, for the Thanksgiving holiday.

November 29

In the late morning, the President returned to the White House. He returned to Camp David later in the day.

William J. Clinton, Digest of Other White House Announcements Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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