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Digest of Other White House Announcements

June 03, 1994

The following list includes the President's public schedule and other items of general interest announced by the Office of the Press Secretary and not included elsewhere in this issue.

May 30

In the evening, the President had a telephone conversation with President Kim Yong-sam of South Korea to discuss the situation in North Korea.

May 31

In the morning, the President met with Joao Havelange, president of the Federation Internationale de Football Association.

June 1

In the morning, the President and Hillary Clinton traveled to Rome, Italy, where they arrived after midnight.

June 2

Upon arrival, they participated in an arrival ceremony, and then went to the Villa Taverna, U.S. Ambassador's residence, their residence during their visit to Rome.

Later in the morning, the President and Hillary Clinton traveled to the Palazzo del Quirinale where the President met with President Oscar Luigi Scalfaro of Italy.

The President and Hillary Clinton traveled to the Vatican in the early afternoon where the President met with His Holiness John Paul II, in the Papal Library. Following the meeting the President and Hillary Clinton visited the Sistine Chapel. Later in the afternoon, the President met with Mayor Rutelli of Rome in the Campidoglio, the city hall of Rome, on Capitoline Hill.

In the evening the President and Hillary Clinton attended a dinner hosted by Prime Minister Berlusconi at the Villa Madama in Rome.

June 3

In the morning, the President and Hillary Clinton traveled to the Sicily-Rome American Cemetery, Nettuno Beach, Italy, where he received a private briefing at the Superintendent's home and then visited gravesites at the cemetery. Following ceremonies commemorating the liberation of Italy, the President hosted a reception for U.S. veterans in the South Garden adjacent to the memorial at the cemetery.

In the afternoon, the President and Hillary Clinton visited the Roman Forum, and in the evening they attended a dinner hosted by President Scalfaro in the Palazzo del Quirinale.

The President announced his intention to nominate Thomas Graham, Jr., as Special Representative for Arms Control Negotiations, and James Sweeney as Chief Science Adviser for the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency.

The President announced his intention to nominate William Albert Nitze as Assistant Administrator for International Activities of the Environmental Protection Agency.

William J. Clinton, Digest of Other White House Announcements Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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