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Digest of Other White House Announcements

June 03, 1977

The following listing includes the President's daily schedule and other items of general interest as announced by the White House Press Office during the period covered by this issue. Events and announcements printed elsewhere in the issue are not included.

May 31

The President returned to the White House following a Memorial Day weekend visit to Georgia and Florida.

June 1

The President met at the White House with:

--Zbigniew Brzezinski, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs;

--senior White House staff members; --Col. Leonard J. Riley, Commander of the White House Communications Agency;

--Edmund D. Edelman, member of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors;

--Representative Butler Derrick of South Carolina;

--Charles L. Schultze, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers;

--Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr., Speaker of the House of Representatives.

June 2

The President met at the White House with:

--Dr. Brzezinski;

--members of the Energy and Power Subcommittee of the House Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee;

--Secretary of the Interior Cecil D. Andrus and a group of Congressmen, to discuss national minerals policy;

--Assistant to the President James R. Schlesinger, from whom the President had requested a briefing on the latest advances and prospects in research and development operations in the energy field;

--Representative Fernand J. St Germain of Rhode Island;

--Bert Lance, Director of the Office of Management 'and Budget;

--a group of administration officials to review the budget for fiscal year 1979;

--Secretary of Defense Harold Brown. The President declared a major disaster for the State of Georgia because of damage to shrimp resources as a result of severe cold weather beginning about January 14, 1977, which adversely impacted on the shrimping industry and resulted in substantial unemployment in shrimping related businesses. The President's action will permit the use of Federal funds in relief and recovery efforts in designated areas of the State during the period May 13--September 13, 1977.

June 3

The President met at the White House with:

--Dr. Brzezinski;

--members of the House Ways and Means Committee;

--a group of administration officials to review the budget for fiscal year 1979;

--Don Ladd, Lee Roderick, Thomas Daniels and Dale Ensign of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints;

--Vice President Walter F. Mondale, Adm. Stansfield Turner, Director of Central Intelligence, and Dr. Brzezinski;

--Representative Ronald V. Dellums of California;

--a group of administration officials for further discussions of the budget for fiscal year 1979.

The President has appointed Henry Ford as U.S. National Chairman for United Nations Day 1977.

Jimmy Carter, Digest of Other White House Announcements Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/243435

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