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Digest of Other White House Announcements

February 03, 1978

The following listing includes the President's daily schedule and other items of general interest as announced by the White House Press Office during the period covered by this issue. Events and announcements printed elsewhere in the issue are not included.

January 28

The President underwent his annual physical examination at Bethesda Naval Hospital. Dr. William M. Lukash, Physician to the President, later reported that the President's health is excellent.

The President visited the National Military Command Center at the Pentagon.

The President declared an emergency for the State of Michigan because of the impact of an abnormal accumulation of snow on vital transportation arteries within the State.

January 30

The President met at the White House with:

—Zbigniew Brzezinski, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs;

—senior White House staff members;

—the Cabinet;

—Vice President Walter F. Mondale.

The President attended a White House reception for members of the International Ladies' Garment Workers Union.

The White House announced that the President has invited Prime Minister Anker Jorgensen of Denmark to pay an official visit to Washington on February 21-23. Denmark is currently President of the European Community, and Mr. Jorgensen will visit in his capacity as Prime Minister and in his Economic Community Presidency role.

January 31

The President met at the White House with:

—Dr. Brzezinski;

—Senator Joseph R. Biden, Jr., of Delaware;

—Vice President Mondale, Adm. Stansfield Turner, Director of Central Intelligence, and Dr. Brzezinski;

—James T. Mcintyre, Jr., Acting Director of the Office of Management and Budget;

—a group of Midwestern State Governors, to discuss agricultural matters.

The President attended a briefing on the Panama Canal treaties, given for leaders of religious organizations.

February 1

The President met at the White House with:

—Dr. Brzezinski;

—Ernest Morial, mayor of New Orleans, La.;

—Mrs. Carter, for lunch;

—Mrs. Carter and Joan Mondale, wife of the Vice President.

The White House announced that a review has recently been completed of private airplane flights taken by the President and Mrs. Carter during the Presidential campaign. The review, which was announced on August 31, 1977, was conducted in order to ensure that reimbursement had been made for all such flights. It was conducted by outside counsel, with the full cooperation of campaign officials. The results of the review are included in a report filed with the Federal Election Commission on January 31, 1978. The press release also contains a detailed breakdown of the expenditures.

February 2

The President met at the White House with:

—Dr. Brzezinski;

—Tom Hayden of California;

—a group of administration officials to discuss reorganization of the civil service system.

February 3

The President met at the White House with:

—Vice President Mondale, Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance, Hamilton Jordan, Assistant to the President; and Dr. Brzezinski;

—Dr. Brzezinski;

—Frank B. Moore, Assistant to the President for Congressional Liaison;

—Mr. Moore, Richard M. Harden, Special Assistant to the President for Budget and Organization, Dr. Peter G. Bourne, Special Assistant to the President for Health Issues, a group of Congressmen and Senators, and entertainer Harry Chapin, to discuss the Presidential Commission on World Hunger;

—Vice President Mondale and Charles Schultze, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers;

—Representative Thomas S. Foley of Washington;

—Robert Charles Smith, national commander of the American Legion;

—Senator Birch Bayh of Indiana.

The White House announced that the President has designated G. Joseph Minetti as Vice Chairman of the Civil Aeronautics Board.

The President announced that he will nominate James B. King to be Chairman of the National Transportation Safety Board.

The President announced that he will nominate United States Information Agency Director John E. Reinhardt and Deputy Director Charles W. Bray III to be Director and Deputy Director, respectively, of the International Communication Agency. Under Reorganization Plan No. 2, USIA is terminated and the International Communication Agency is created.

The White House announced that the President has designated Arthur F. Burns as Acting Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System until his successor is officially designated as Chairman, or until his resignation becomes effective, whichever comes first.

Jimmy Carter, Digest of Other White House Announcements Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/243742

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