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Digest of Other White House Announcements

April 13, 1979

The following listing includes the President's public schedule and other items of general interest announced by the White House Press Office and not included elsewhere in this issue.

April 7

Following his visit to Richmond, Va., the President returned to Camp David, Md.

April 8

The President returned to the White House from Camp David, Md.

April 9

The President met at the White House with:

—Zbigniew Brzezinski, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs;

—Frank B. Moore, Assistant to the President for Congressional Liaison;

—freshman Members of the House of Representatives;

—Charles L. Schultze, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers;

—James T. Mcintyre, Jr., Director of the Office of Management and Budget.

The President announced that he will nominate Richard F. Celeste to be an Associate Director of ACTION. Mr. Celeste was nominated last month to be Director of the Peace Corps.

April 10

The President met at the White House with:

—Dr. Brzezinski;

—Mr. Moore;

—a group of newly elected Democratic State chairmen;

—Vice President Mondale.

The President has invited Chancellor Helmut Schmidt of the Federal Republic of Germany to meet with him at the White House on the morning of Wednesday, June 6. The Chancellor will be in the United States from June 5 to 8. During that time, he will receive an honorary degree from Harvard University and will attend the convocation of the University of South Carolina at Columbia. He will also be the guest of the American Council on Germany, in New York.

April 11

The President met at the White House with:

—Dr. Brzezinski;

—Secretary of Commerce Juanita M. Kreps;

—Mr. Moore, Danny C. Tate, Deputy Assistant for Congressional Liaison (House), and Robert G. Beckel, Special Assistant for Congressional Liaison (House);

—Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare Joseph A. Califano, Jr., Stuart E. Eizenstat, Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs and Policy, Anne Wexler, Assistant to the President, Dr. Schultze, and a group of insurance company executives;

—Stunsfield Turner, Director of Central Intelligence, Hamilton Jordan, Assistant to the President, and Dr. Brzezinski;

—Representative Lee H. Hamilton of Indiana.

The Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China has invited a bipartisan congressional delegation to visit China during April. The delegation will depart April 11 and return April 22. The group will be led by Representative Jack Brooks. While in China, the delegation will meet with high-level Chinese officials to discuss U.S. and Chinese foreign policies and Sino-Soviet relations. Other members of the group include Representatives Dante B. Fascell (D-Fla.), James C. Gorman (D-Calif.), Benjamin Rosenthal (D-L-N.Y.), James J. Howard (D-N.J.), David R. Obey (D-Wis.), Robert A. Roe (D-N.J.), Robert F. Drinan (D-Mass.), William R. Archer (R-Tex.), Cardiss Collins (D-Ill.), Robert E. Bauman (R-Md.), John Burton (D-Calif.), Martin A. Russo (D-Ill.), Allen E. Ertel (D-Pa.), and Dan Mica (D-Fla.). The mutual exchange relationship fulfills that part of the Shanghai Communiqué in which both sides pledged to foster broader understanding and engage in cultural and scientific exchanges. This group is the last of the White House-facilitated congressional delegations to China as part of the normalization process.

The President declared a major disaster for the State of Arkansas as a result of a tornado on April 8, which caused extensive public and private property damage. April 12

The President met at the White House with Dr. Brzezinski.

The President left the White House for an Easter vacation at Sapelo Island, Plains, and Calhoun, Ga.

The President has declared a major disaster for the State of Texas as a result of severe storms and tornadoes on April 10 and 11, which caused extensive public and private property damage.

The President announced that Secretary Califano has appointed James (Jim) Guy Tucker as the Chairperson of the White House Conference on Families.

Jimmy Carter, Digest of Other White House Announcements Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/249873

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