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Digest of Other White House Announcements

October 05, 1979

The following listing includes the President's public schedule and other items of general interest announced by the White House Press Office and not included elsewhere in this issue.

September 29

The President met at the White House with Zbigniew Brzezinski, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs.

The President met in the Roosevelt Room with members of his advisory panel on the Soviet troops in Cuba, including George Ball, Roswell Gilpatric, Henry Kissinger, John McCone, Dean Rusk, Brent Scowcroft, McGeorge Bundy, Averell Harriman, Sol Linowitz, David Packard, James Schlesinger, Clark Clifford, Nicholas Katzenbach, John McCloy, and William Rogers.

The President declared a major disaster for the State of Florida as a result of severe storms and flooding, beginning on or about September 14, which caused extensive property damage.

The President declared a major disaster for the State of North Carolina as a result of severe storms and flooding, beginning on September 21, which caused extensive property damage.

The President declared a major disaster for the Commonwealth of Virginia as a result of severe storms and flooding, beginning on September 21, which caused extensive private property damage.

The White House announced that Robert J. Lipshutz, Counsel to the President since his inauguration, formally submitted his resignation to President Carter and announced that he is returning to Atlanta to join the law firm of Haas, Holland, Levison and Gibert on November 1. In his new private practice, Mr. Lipshutz will be President Carter's personal attorney and cotrustee of his personal trust, as well as chairman of the proposed Carter Presidential Library commission.

The White House announced that the President has signed a determination that withdraws the designation of Ethiopia as a beneficiary developing country for purposes of the Generalized System of Preferences.

The President left the White House for a weekend stay at Camp David, Md.

October 1

The President returned to the White House from Camp David.

October 2

The President met at the White House with:

—Dr. Brzezinski;

—Frank B. Moore, Assistant to the President for Congressional Liaison.

The President attended a luncheon for country music performers, held in the State Dining Room at the White House.

October 3

The President met at the White House with:

—Dr. Brzezinski;

—Vice President Walter F. Mondale, Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare Patricia R. Harris, Secretary of Transportation Neil Goldschmidt, Secretary of Labor Ray Marshall, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Moon Landrieu, Alonzo L. McDonald, Jr., Assistant to the President, Stuart E. Eizenstat, Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs and Policy, and Jack H. Watson, Jr., Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Affairs, to discuss domestic policies;

—Secretary of Commerce Juanita M. Kreps;

—Mr. Moore;

—State Democratic Party chairmen and cochairmen;

—Stansfield Turner, Director of Central Intelligence, and Dr. Brzezinski;

—Mrs. Carter, for lunch. October 4

The President met at the White House with:

—Dr. Brzezinski;

—Mr. Moore;

—representatives of the Rural Coalition;

—Vice President Mondale;

—U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union Thomas J. Watson, Jr., and Mrs. Watson.

The President participated in a briefing by administration officials on the strategic arms limitation treaty given for community leaders in the East Room at the White House.

The President declared a major disaster for the State of Connecticut as a result of a tornado and severe storms, beginning on October 3, which caused extensive property damage.

October 5

The President met at the White House with:

—Dr. Brzezinski;

—Vice President Mondale, Secretary of Defense Harold Brown, Deputy Secretary of State Warren M. Christopher, Hedley W. Donovan, Senior Adviser to the President, Hamilton Jordan, Assistant to the President, Lloyd N. Cutler, Counsel to the President, and Dr. Brzezinski;

—Mr. Moore;

—officers of the Leif Ericson Society International;

—Frank I. Hamilton, commander of the American Legion;

—Charles L. Schultze, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers.

The President met in the Oval Office with Carl Yastrzemski, an outfielder for the Boston Red Sox professional baseball team, to congratulate him on achieving his 3,000th career hit. Other participants included Mr. Yastrzemski's family and friends.

Jimmy Carter, Digest of Other White House Announcements Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/248738

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