Ambinder: "Bet Edwards will win the focus groups again... he is dominating the debate." "8:35 pm | He is dominating the debate so far...extremely well informed on the subjects he's being asked, and he seems to be relishing his role as the third wheel...because the two fighting children are forced to listen to him. Again, on points, he seems to win these debates." [
New York Times' Katharine Q. Seelye: "Mr. Edwards is having a pretty good night... He's kind of a palette cleanser." 9:10 p.m. | Palette Cleanser | "Mr. Edwards is having a pretty good night. Maybe his 4-percent showing in Nevada has liberated him in some fashion. He's looser than usual, and as we said before, without a dog in the fight, he's coming across as an impartial observer. He's kind of a palette cleanser." [ ]
AP: Edwards Received Applause for Saying the Debate Is "Not About Us Personally." The AP reported "'Are there three people in this debate, not two? [Edwards] asked. 'We have got to understand, this is not about us personally. It's about what we are trying to do for this country,' Edwards said to applause from the audience." [AP,]
ABC's Rick Klein: "John Edwards is probably winning on points and tone... pushing his message effectively." 9:10 PM | "And so far, John Edwards is probably winning on points and tone -- taking Obama off his game, but pushing his message effectively even from the sidelines of the main event."[]
The Nation's Ari Melber: "Yet while Clinton and Obama exchanged their personal barbs, John Edwards broke through with the best arguments of the night." 9:46pm "Edwards Excels In Ferocious Democratic Debate..." | "Yet while Clinton and Obama exchanged their personal barbs, John Edwards broke through with the best arguments of the night. Edwards tweaked both his opponents for making the debate about political squabbling instead of public policy. Returning to his populist economic platform -- especially salient as Americans ponder a recession -- he reminded voters that he was the only candidate to outline a comprehensive plan to end poverty, and the first to introduce a national economic stimulus proposal. His plan came out weeks before Clinton and Obama. The program drove the 'party's policy agenda,' as Paul Krugman explained, by advocating 'aid to unemployed workers, aid to cash-strapped state and local governments,' and alternative energy, (most of which Clinton later adopted in her plan). And while the debate moderators kept pushing trite racial questions, even asking Obama if Bill Clinton was the "first black president,' Edwards outlined a vision of racial and economic equality, where 'every American is of equal value.'" []
Washington Post's Chris Cillizza: "Obama isn't the best debater on the stage (we still think that person is Edwards)." [
NBC's Chuck Todd: "Nobody does the personal story better than Edwards on this stage." 9:31 PM "Edwards does personal very well" | "Nobody does the personal story better than Edwards on this stage. Perhaps Bill Clinton can do it better than Edwards but I'm not sure. Edwards is good, perhaps even better than the master of 'feeling your pain,' Bill Clinton." []
ABC's Rick Klein: "John Edwards comes out most forcefully against the president's stimulus package -- and it's what Dr. King would want, too." "8:14 pm: John Edwards comes out most forcefully against the president's stimulus package -- and it's what Dr. King would want, too. He goes after trade as well -- finding a distinction off the bat." []
Ambinder: "John Edwards Is Looking Better." 8:44 pm | "The candidates tend to explain their policy decisions using short tern and the lingua franca of the Senate, which makes it hard to referee these disputes. So the candidates who refuse to jump in usually wind up looking better. And John Edwards is looking better." []
ABC's Rick Klein: "Easiest word on voices/demeanor: Intense...John Edwards seems most comfortable on stage." "9:08 pm: Easiest word on voices/demeanor: Intense. It works for all three. Obama seems a bit angry when he's being attacked. John Edwards seems most comfortable on stage. Hillary Clinton looks like the pro she is -- coolly delivering the rejoinders she's prepared." []
John Edwards, Edwards Campaign Press Release - Edwards: Dominating The Debate Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project