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Edwards Campaign Press Release - Reviews Are In: Edwards Hits The Jackpot

January 15, 2008

Edwards Declared the Winner by a Focus Group of Undecided Nevada Voters. On Fox News, Frank Luntz' focus group from Las Vegas of thirty undecided Nevada Democrats declared Edwards the winner. Luntz:

"How many of you thought John Edwards won?" [1/2 crowd raises hand]

"How many of you came in supporting Senator Edwards?" [About 3 people raise hand]

"On issue after issue, we're going to show this to you tomorrow night, his language actually scored better than Senator Clinton and Senator Obama." [Fox News, 1/15/08]

NBC's Chuck Todd: On Edwards, "I thought he did a really good job tonight...He was the heart and gut campaign tonight. He was very good." After the debate, Chuck Todd said, "And by the way, Edwards, I thought he personalized...I thought he did a really good job tonight. I thought he, we talked about the fierce urgency of facts, right, that Clinton brought out. He was heart. He was the heart and gut campaign tonight. He was very good." [MSNBC, 1/15/08]

NBC's Chuck Todd: "I Thought Edwards Gave the Best Presentation." "On the perception front, I thought Edwards gave the best presentation; he may have been a little light on speaking time, but in this intimate forum, his skill of making every one of his answers personal to the viewer shined through very well." []

NBC's Chuck Todd: "Head vs. gut on first economic answer...Edwards made the answer personal and talked about people; Clinton talked about the problem in more technical terms." 9:45: "Watching both Edwards and Clinton handle this first economic question really shows the difference in their personalities. Edwards made the answer personal and talked about people; Clinton talked about the problem in more technical terms. A head vs gut answer; both campaigns are probably pleased with the contrast." ["Head vs. gut on first economic answer,"]

ABC's Rick Klein: "Edwards finds his voice when he talks about money in politics -- it's effective stuff." "10:29 pm: Edwards finds his voice when he talks about money in politics -- it's effective stuff, to a point." []

ABC's Rick Klein: "Edwards Again Kept Things Most to His Message." "11 pm: Final thoughts -- first, on the debate. Edwards again kept things most to his message..." []

ABC's Rick Klein: "A good question from Edwards -- don't the people who are giving you money expect something?" "10 pm: A good question from Edwards -- don't the people who are giving you money expect something? Obama's answer was fine, but little that didn't sound pre-packaged, even insidery." []

Reno Gazette-Journal's Anjeanette Damon: Edwards Steeled His Credentials "By Pointing Out He Is the Only Candidate to Explicitly Oppose the Construction of New Nuclear Power Plants." When "the inevitable Yucca Mountain question is broached...Edwards attempted to steel his credentials by pointing out he is the only candidate to explicitly oppose the construction of new nuclear power plants." [

ABC's Rick Klein: "This is a real point of distinction for Edwards, and a valuable one in South Carolina, on guns." "10:43 pm: This is a real point of distinction for Edwards, and a valuable one in South Carolina, on guns. For as far left as he's tacked, it's not happening on the Second Amendment, and that could be worth a few points." []

John Edwards, Edwards Campaign Press Release - Reviews Are In: Edwards Hits The Jackpot Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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