Jimmy Carter photo

Ethics in Government Legislation Statement on House of Representatives Action on the Legislation.

September 27, 1978

I am very pleased to congratulate Speaker Tip O'Neill and the Members of the House of Representatives for their adoption of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978. This bill, which incorporates legislation submitted by me to the Congress in May of last year, will go far toward fulfilling our commitments to return integrity and efficiency to the conduct of government.

I wish also to thank Members George Danielson, Richardson Preyer, and Patricia Schroeder for their capable and sensitive leadership in winning approval of the bill.

Enactment of this legislation will follow through on commitments made during my campaign for the Presidency to.'

—direct the spotlight of public attention on potential conflict of interest by requiring personal financial disclosure by senior-level officials in the legislative, executive, and judicial branches;

—assure effective oversight of agency ethics enforcement by establishing an Office of Ethics in the Civil Service Commission (to be transferred to the Office of Personnel Management under the civil service reform bill and reorganization plan);

—curb abuses of the revolving door between government and industry by closing loopholes in current statutory restrictions on government contacts by former senior officials, thereby preventing the misuse of personal influence acquired while in public service.

Since the Senate has already adopted similar measures in S. 555, the Public Officials Integrity Act, prospects appear bright for final enactment of these long-sought, far-reaching reforms to assure that Federal officials respect the high ethical standards which the American people expect and deserve.

Note: The statement was released on September 28.

Jimmy Carter, Ethics in Government Legislation Statement on House of Representatives Action on the Legislation. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/243453

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