Exchange of Messages With President Arosemena on the Inauguration of Radiotelegraphic Service Between Panama and the United States.
I HAVE received with particular pleasure Your Excellency's telegram, sent as the first message by the service being inaugurated today between the Republic of Panama and the United States of America by the Tropical Radio Telegraph Company, whereby you convey cordial greetings in the name of the Government and people of Panama to the Government and people of the United States.
In requesting you, Mr. President, to receive from the Government and people of the United States the assurances of their admiration and friendship for the people and Government of Panama, I desire to express the hope that this further contribution to the numerous ties so fortunately uniting our two countries may prove to be of mutual and continued value and service.
[His Excellency Florencio Harmodio Arosemena, President of Panama, Panama]
Note: President Arosemena's message follows:
The Tropical Radiotelegraph Company which, on this day, inaugurates the service between Panama and the United States of America, has asked me to be the sender of the first message going over its waves and it affords me extreme pleasure to address Your Excellency and transmit to you, in the name of the Government and people of Panama, to the Government and people of the United States, the most cordial greetings on this day when, thanks to the efforts of an American concern, the peoples are brought closer together whose destinies are now commended to the patriotism of Your Excellency and mine, and whose mental and physical rapprochement, ever becoming more active and sincere, will be fruitful in actual benefits to both nations in particular and to Pan Americanism in general.
Please accept my sincere wishes for Your Excellency's personal welfare.
[President Hoover, Washington]
Herbert Hoover, Exchange of Messages With President Arosemena on the Inauguration of Radiotelegraphic Service Between Panama and the United States. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/209819