IT'S nice to be back in Indianapolis, Indiana, Governor Bowen, Mayor Hudnut, and the Jaycees.
I will be glad to answer any questions.
REPORTER. Mr. President, is the Federal Government going to participate in any way in the investigation into Don Bolles' 1 death?
THE PRESIDENT. The Federal Government will do whatever it is authorized to do in any way whatsoever, either initiating any activity or working with local authorities.
1 Reporter for the Arizona Republic, who was killed on June 2 allegedly because of his investigations into organized crime.
Q. We have no specific plans, though?
THE PRESIDENT. I can't tell you at the present time. It's a deplorable, despicable act, and we certainly will maximize our effort in any way possible.
Q. Mr. President, some months ago the Indianapolis School Board had written to you requesting that you help along with the school desegregation plan. Do you have any word for them as yet?
THE PRESIDENT. I am going to make some comments today, during my remarks, about the proposal that I am submitting to the Congress this week which, I think, will minimize court-ordered busing and will provide a means and a method to help local authorities in trying to handle the problem at the local level.
Q. Mr. President, what do you think the chances are of winning the nomination on the first ballot?
THE PRESIDENT. I think they are very good, and we expect to be nominated in Kansas City, and we expect to win in November.
Note: The President spoke at 9:31 a.m. at Weir-Cook Airport. In his opening remarks, he referred to Governor Otis R. Bowen of Indiana and Mayor William Hudnut of Indianapolis.
Gerald R. Ford, Exchange With Reporters on Arrival at Indianapolis, Indiana. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project