Q. Mr. President, what's your impression?
The President. Well, I'm deeply moved by this, deeply moved by it -- sad in some ways, and yet very stimulated by the team effort. You heard from the Congressmen, from the Governor, from Senator Wilson, from the mayor. And then you start talking to the local officials, the police officials and the sheriff's department, and the Red Cross. God bless the volunteers and our military. I'm very proud just of what I'm told by the officials -- the military just pitching in and doing.
And so, you have feelings of contradiction: one of great sadness and one of genuine appreciation for the way this community is pulling together -- this area of the State and, I'd say, the country. I think you've got a lot of people out there rooting for you. You've got a lot of them rooting for you. We'll see what we can do to be a part of the answer.
Note: The President spoke at 11:51 a.m. near Interstate 880, which was damaged by an earthquake that hit the San Francisco Bay area on October 17. Representatives Ronald V. Dellums, Tom Lantos, and George Miller; Gov. George Deukmejian; Lt. Gov. Leo McCarthy; San Francisco Mayor Art Agnos; Alameda Mayor Chuck Corica; Oakland Mayor Lionel J. Wilson; and State Assembly Speaker Willie Brown, Jr., accompanied the President. A tape was not available for verification of the contents of the remarks. Following his remarks, the President traveled to Santa Cruz, CA.
George Bush, Exchange With Reporters During a Tour of the Earthquake Damage in Oakland, California Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/264112