President's Birthday Golf Outing
The President. Good morning, everybody.
Q. Happy birthday.
The President. That's the way we like it, up and early.
Q. We do too. [Laughter]
The President. Up and at 'em. Feeling a little older, if you know what I mean.
David [David Gregory, NBC News], how are you, lad?
President's Upcoming Vacation
Q. All right. Sir, now that you're a little older and wiser, are you rethinking avoiding spending all of August here?
The President. No, I think—I think you'll like Crawford.
Former President Bush. It's warmer there.
Q. Do you have any words of wisdom for him on the vacation schedule?
President's Birthday Golf Outing
Former President Bush. I've got words of wisdom for Eric. He ought to get out of there.
The President. Get out of there, Eric. [Laughter]
[At this point, the President continued to prepare for his golf outing.]
Q. What does your hat say?
The President. El Jefe. That's French. [Laughter]
Q. I was going to sing for you in another language.
The President. Thank you, sir. That's an inside joke.
[The President continued his preparations.]
Former President Bush. No laughing about the ladies' tee.
Q. Sir, what do you want for your birthday?
The President. I don't know yet. I haven't thought about it. First of all, I'm glad— I'm glad my mother and wife remembered. [Laughter]
[The President prepared to tee off.]
The President. Yes, Mr. President. Nice, gentle applause rippling throughout the gallery.
See you in a couple hours—like 2.
[The round of golf proceeded.]
The President. I apologize.
Q. Yes, right.
The President. Miserable shot.
Q. You didn't have any idea where we were, either, did you?
The President. It's clear I didn't have any idea where the ball was going——
Q. Mr. President, it's up by the tree, sir.
The President. Who kicked it under there? [Laughter]
Q. David did. [Laughter]
The President. I was just kidding about the French thing. [Laughter]
NOTE: The exchange began at 6:15 a.m. at the Cape Arundel Golf Course. In his remarks, the President referred to White House Director of Photography Eric Draper. A tape was not available for verification of the content of this exchange.
George W. Bush, Exchange With Reporters in Kennebunkport, Maine Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project