Executive Order 10126—Establishing an Airspace Reservation Over Portions of the District of Columbia
By virtue of and pursuant to the authority vested in me by section 4 of the Air Commerce Act of 1926 (44 Stat. 570), the airspace above the following-described portions of the District of Columbia is hereby reserved and set apart for national defense and other governmental purposes, and for public-safety purposes, as an airspace reservation within which no person shall navigate an aircraft except by special permission of the Administrator of Civil Aeronautics:
1. All that area within the City of Washington, D.C., lying within the following-described boundaries:
Beginning at the southwest corner of the Lincoln Memorial Monument (Lat. 38° 53' 21" N; Long. 77° 03' 02" W.);
thence north 32° west 0.6 miles to the Titanic Memorial (identifiable as the intersection of New Hampshire Avenue and Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway northwest);
thence north 36 ½° east 0.6 miles to Washington Circle (identifiable as the intersection of New Hampshire Avenue and K Street northwest);
thence due east along K Street 2.5 miles to the railroad overpass (identifiable as the intersection of K Street with 2nd Street northeast);
thence south 22 ½° east 0.7 miles to the southeast corner of Stanton Square (identifiable as the intersection of Sixth Street and Massachusetts Avenue northeast);
thence south 33 ½° west 0.8 miles to the Capitol Power Plant (identifiable as the intersection of New Jersey Avenue and E Street southeast);
thence south 88° west 1.4 miles to the railroad trestle over the Washington Channel;
thence north 66 ½° west 1.1 miles to the southwest corner of the Lincoln Memorial Monument, the point of beginning.
2. All that area within the City of Washington, D.C., lying within a ½ mile radius from the center of the United States Naval Observatory, located at Lat. 38° 55' 17" N.; Long. 77° 04' 02" W.
All bearings used in the above descriptions are true bearings.
Any person navigating an aircraft within this airspace reservation in violation of the provisions of this order will be subject to the penalties prescribed in the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938 (52 Stat. 973), as amended.
This order supersedes Executive Order No. 8950 of November 26, 1941, establishing an airspace reservation over a portion of the District of Columbia, as amended by Executive Order No. 9153 of April 30, 1942.
May 9, 1950
Harry S Truman, Executive Order 10126—Establishing an Airspace Reservation Over Portions of the District of Columbia Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/231741