Harry S. Truman photo

Executive Order 10328—Prescribing a Portion of the Selective Service Regulations

February 20, 1952

By virtue of the authority vested in me by Title I of the Universal Military Training and Service Act (62 Stat. 604), as amended, I hereby prescribe the following portion of the regulations governing the administration of Title I of the said Act, as amended, which shall constitute a portion of Part 1660 of Chapter XVI of Title 32 of the Code of Federal Regulations, and a portion of the Selective Service Regulations:

PART 1660-Civilian Work in Lieu of Induction


1660.1 Definition of appropriate civilian work.

1660.10 Volunteering for civilian work.

1660-20 Determination of type of civilian work to be performed and order by the local board to perform such work.

1660-21 General provisions relating to orders by the local board to perform civilian work and performance of civilian work.

1660.30 Failure or neglect to obey order to perform civilian work.

1660.31 Administration of registrants while performing civilian work.

§ 1660.1 Definition of appropriate civilian work. (a) The types of employment which may be considered under the provisions of section 6(j) of title I of the Universal Military Training and Service Act, as amended, to be civilian work contributing to the maintenance of the national health, safety, or interest, and appropriate to be performed in lieu of induction into the armed forces by registrants who have been classified in Class I-O shall be limited to the following:

(1) Employment by the United States Government, or by a State, Territory, or possession of the United States or by a political subdivision thereof, or by the District of Columbia.

(2) Employment by a nonprofit organization, association, or corporation which is primarily engaged either in a charitable activity conducted for the benefit of the general public or in carrying out a program for the improvement of the public health or welfare, including educational and scientific activities in support thereof, when such activity or program is not principally for the benefit of the members of such organization, association, or corporation, or for increasing the membership thereof.

(b) Except as provided in subparagraph (2) of paragraph (a) of this section, work in private employment shall not be considered to be appropriate civilian work to be performed in lieu of induction into the armed forces by registrants who have been classified in Class I-O.

§ 1660.10 Volunteering for civilian work. Any registrant who is between the ages of 18 and 26 and who has been classified in Class I-O, or who claims eligibility for classification in Class I-O, may volunteer at his local board for civilian work contributing to the maintenance of the national health, safety, or interest in lieu of induction. The local board shall promptly classify any such volunteer who claims eligibility for Class I-O. Each such volunteer who is in Class I-O and who has been found acceptable for service after his armed forces physical examination shall be processed in the same manner as a volunteer for induction except that, in lieu of induction, he shall be ordered by the local board to perform civilian work contributing to the maintenance of the national health, safety, or interest as defined in § 1660.1.

§ 1660.20 Determination of type of civilian work to be performed and order by the local board to perform such work. (a) When a registrant in Class I-O is found acceptable for service after his armed forces physical examination or when such a registrant has failed to report for or to submit to armed forces physical examination, he shall, within ten days after notice of acceptability is mailed to him by the local board or within ten days after he has failed to report for or submit to armed forces physical examination, submit to the local board three types of civilian work contributing to the maintenance of the national health, safety, or interest as defined in § 1660.1, which he is qualified to do and which he offers to perform in lieu of induction into the armed forces. If the local board deems any one of these types of work to be appropriate, it will order the registrant to perform such work, but such order shall not be issued prior to the time that the registrant would have been ordered to report for induction if he had not been classified in Class I-O, unless he has volunteered for such work.

(b) If the registrant fails to submit to the local board types of work which he offers to perform, or if the local board finds that none of the types of work submitted by the registrant is appropriate, the local board shall submit to the registrant by letter three types of civilian work contributing to the maintenance of the national health, safety, or interest as defined in § 1660.1 which it deems appropriate for the registrant to perform in lieu of induction. The registrant, within ten days after such letter is mailed to him by the local board, shall file with the board a statement that he either offers to perform one of the types of work submitted by the board, or that he does not offer to perform any of such types of work. If the registrant offers to perform any one of the three types of work, he shall be ordered by the local board to perform such work in lieu of induction, but such order shall not be issued prior to the time that the registrant would have been ordered to report for induction if he had not been classified in Class I-O, unless he has volunteered for such work.

(c) If the local board and the registrant are unable to agree upon a type of civilian work which should be performed by the registrant in lieu of induction, the State Director of Selective Service for the State in which the local board is located, or the representative of such State Director, appointed by him for the purpose, shall meet with the local board and the registrant and offer his assistance in reaching an agreement. The local board shall mail to the registrant a notice of the time and place of this meeting at least 10 days before the date of the meeting. If agreement is reached at this meeting, the registrant shall be ordered by the local board to perform work in lieu of induction in accordance with such agreement, but such order shall not be issued prior to the time that the registrant would have been ordered to report for induction if he had not been classified in Class I-O, unless he has volunteered for such work.

(d) If, after the meeting referred to in paragraph (c) of this section, the local board and the registrant are still unable to agree upon a type of civilian work which should be performed by the registrant in lieu of induction, the local board, with the approval of the Director of Selective Service, shall order the registrant to report for civilian work contributing to the maintenance of the national health, safety, or interest as defined in § 1660.1 which it deems appropriate, but such order shall not be issued prior to the time that the registrant would have been ordered to report for induction if he had not been classified in Class I-O, unless he has volunteered for such work.

§ 1660.21 General provisions relating to orders by the local board to perform civilian work and performance of civilian work. (a) No registrant shall be ordered by the local board to perform civilian work in lieu of induction in the community in which he resides unless in a particular case the local board deems the performance by the registrant of such work in the registrant's home community to be desirable in the national interest.

(b) Whenever necessary, travel tickets or transportation requests and meal and lodging requests shall be issued to the registrant in the manner prescribed by the Director of Selective Service for the travel of the registrant from the office of the local board to the place of performance of the work to which he is ordered, for his return travel from such place to the office of the local board upon his satisfactorily completing his period of work, and for his travel from one place of employment to another when his employment is transferred under the provisions of paragraph (c) of this section.

(c) Whenever at any time before the registrant has performed for a period of twenty-four consecutive months the work to which he has been ordered by the local board such work ceases to be available for performance by the registrant for any reason not due to the fault of the registrant such as, but not limited to, the cessation of the work or the termination of his employment by his employer, the registrant shall be ordered to perform the same type of work with another employer. If the registrant complies with this order, such transfer of employment shall not constitute a break in his required period of twenty-four consecutive months of performance of work.

(d) The Director of Selective Service is authorized to release, or to provide for the release of, any registrant from civilian work in lieu of induction at any time before the registrant has performed such work for a period of twenty-four consecutive months, whenever the Director of Selective Service deems such release to be necessary by reason of the physical or mental incapacity of the registrant or by reason of undue hardship to a person dependent upon the registrant.

§ 1660.30 Failure or neglect to obey order to perform civilian work. Any registrant who knowingly fails or neglects to obey an order from his local board to perform civilian work contributing to the maintenance of the national health, safety, or interest in lieu of induction shall be deemed to have knowingly failed or neglected to perform a duty required of him under title I of the Universal Military Training and Service Act, as amended. When any registrant fails or neglects to obey any such order, his Cover Sheet (SSS Form No. 101) and contents shall be forwarded to the Director of Selective Service for a determination as to whether or not the registrant shall be reported to the Department of Justice for prosecution.

§ 1660.31 Administration of registrants while performing civilian work. (a) After a registrant who has been classified in Class I-O reports in response to an order from his local board for civilian work in lieu of induction and he has been classified in Class I-W, his Cover Sheet (SSS Form No. 101) and contents shall be forwarded to the State Director of Selective Service for the State in which the work is being performed. It shall be the responsibility of such State Director of Selective Service to see that the registrant performs the work to which he has been ordered by the local board for a period of twenty-four consecutive months, unless sooner released under the provisions of § 1660.21. When the registrant has satisfactorily completed this work, the State Director of Selective Service shall return the registrant's cover sheet to the local board together with a letter stating that the registrant has satisfactorily completed his work. If the registrant should fail to perform such work, or should otherwise fail to perform his duties under title I of the Universal Military Training and Service Act, as amended, during the time that his cover sheet is in the custody of the State Director of Selective Service, the State Director of Selective Service shall forward the cover sheet to the Director of Selective Service for a determination as to whether or not the registrant shall be reported to the Department of Justice for prosecution.

(b) When the civilian work to which a registrant is ordered by the local board in lieu of induction is to be performed at any place outside of the continental limits of the United States, the Territories of Alaska and Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, and the Canal Zone, and the registrant has reported for such work, the local board, after classifying the registrant in Class I-W, shall forward the registrant's Cover Sheet (SSS Form No. 101) and contents to the Director of Selective Service. It shall be the responsibility of the Director of Selective Service to see that the registrant performs the work to which he has been ordered by the local board for a period of twenty-four consecutive months, unless sooner released under the provisions of § 1660.21. When the registrant has satisfactorily completed this work, the Director of Selective Service shall return the registrant's cover sheet to the local board together with a letter stating that the registrant has satisfactorily completed his work. If the registrant should fail to perform such work, or should otherwise fail to perform his duties under title I of the Universal Military Training and Service Act, as amended, during the time that his cover sheet is in the custody of the Director of Selective Service, the Director of Selective Service shall determine whether or not the registrant shall be reported to the Department of Justice for prosecution.

(c) When the local board receives the cover sheet of the registrant together with the letter stating that he has satisfactorily completed his period of civilian work from the Director of Selective Service or the State Director of Selective Service, the local board shall mail the registrant a certificate evidencing his satisfactory completion of and release from civilian work and shall retain him in Class I-W and identify him on all records by following his classification with the abbreviation "R" until such time as he attains an age beyond the maximum age of liability for military service.



February 20, 1952

Harry S Truman, Executive Order 10328—Prescribing a Portion of the Selective Service Regulations Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/278847

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