Executive Order 10650—Prescribing Regulations Governing the Selection of Certain Persons Who Have Critical Skills for Enlistment in Units of the Ready Reserve of the Armed Forces
By virtue of the authority vested in me (1) by section 262 of the Armed Forces Reserve Act of 1952, as added by section 2 (i) of the Reserve Forces Act of 1955 (69 Stat. 600), and (2) by the Universal Military Training and Service Act (62 Stat. 604), as amended, I hereby prescribe the following regulations governing the selection for enlistment in the Ready Reserve under said section 262 of certain persons who have critical skills, which regulations shall constitute Part 1680 of Chapter XVI of Title 32 of the Code of Federal Regulations, and a portion of the Selective Service Regulations:
1880.1 Authority of local boards.
1680.2 Request by registrant.
1880.3 Action by local board after receiving request of registrant.
1680.4 Appeal from determination of registrant's request.
1680.5 Selection and enlistment.
1680.6 Resumption of processing of registrant.
1680.7 Reporting to the Armed Forces of registrant's discontinuance of employment in critical activity.
§ 1680.1 Authority of local boards. (a) Local boards are authorized to select for enlistment in the Ready Reserve pursuant to the provisions of section 262 of the Armed Forces Reserve Act of 1952, as amended (69 Stat. 600), registrants (other than special registrants registered under section 4 (i) of the Universal Military Training and Service Act, as amended) who have critical skills and are engaged in civilian occupations in any critical defense-supporting industry or in any research activity affecting national defense. Such selection shall be for enlistment in units of the Ready Reserve of an Armed Force conducting an approved three to six months active duty for training program, which units are designated for this purpose by the Secretary of Defense (or by the Secretary of the Treasury with respect to the United States Coast Guard). The authority conferred by this section shall be subject to the rights of appeal provided by this part.
(b) Local boards and appeal boards shall be guided by the then current list of critical occupations issued by the Secretary of Labor and the then current list of essential activities issued by the Secretary of Commerce, as modified from time to time for the purposes of this part by the Director of the Office of Defense Mobilization after consultation with the Secretary of Defense. Within the Halite of such lists as so modified, local boards and appeal boards shall select registrants for enlistment under this part.
(c) Periodically the Director of Selective Service shall provide local boards, appeal boards, and other agencies of the Selective Service System with advice and information concerning the administration of this part.
(d) The Director of Selective Service shall make periodic reports to the President setting forth the number of registrants selected or rejected for enlistment under this part, the skills of and the activities in which such registrants are engaged, and other pertinent information.
§ 1680.2 Request by registrant. (a) Any registrant who believes he possesses a critical skill which is being utilized in a critical defense-supporting industry or in a research activity affecting national defense and who is in Class I-A may, if an appeal is not pending in his case and the period during which an appeal may be taken has expired, file a written request with his local board that he be selected for enlistment in a unit of the Ready Reserve under the provisions of section 262 of the Armed Forces Reserve Act of 1952, as amended.
(b) The request filed by the registrant shall be accompanied by (1) a certificate of the registrant and his employer that the registrant has a critical skill which is being utilized in a critical defense-supporting industry or in a research activity affecting national defense, (2) evidence that the registrant has demonstrated by his academic record or record of employment, or both, that he has the capacity for and gives promise of performing the duties of the occupation requiring such critical skill with a high degree of competence, productivity, or creativity, and (3) a written statement of the registrant that after completion of his prescribed period of active duty for training he intends to return to his former employment or to enter employment in a critical defense-supporting industry or in a research activity affecting national defense utilizing his critical skill.
§ 1680.3 Action by local board after receiving request of registrant. (a) Upon receipt of the request of the registrant for his selection for enlistment in the Ready Reserve, the local board shall suspend any further processing in his case pending consideration of his request, except that if the registrant has not previously been found to be acceptable for service in the Armed Forces after an armed forces physical examination, the local board shall forward him for such an examination.
(b) If the registrant is found to be not acceptable for service in the Armed Forces after such an examination, the local board shall reopen his classification and classify him anew and shall advise the registrant by letter that his request for selection for enlistment cannot be approved because he is not acceptable for service.
(c) If the registrant has been or is found to be acceptable for service in the Armed Forces after an armed forces physical examination, the local board shall refer the registrant's request to the appropriate State Advisory Committee on Scientific, Engineering, and Specialized Personnel established pursuant to the instructions of the Director of Selective Service and to such other groups or agencies as may be appropriate for consideration and recommendation.
(d) After receipt of the recommendation of such Committee and any recommendations of such other groups or agencies, the local board shall consider the registrant's request and either approve or disapprove it. The local board shall notify the registrant and his employer by letter of its determination approving or disapproving the registrant's request.
§ 1680.4 Appeal from determination of registrant's request. (a) The same persons who are authorized under the provisions of Part 1626 or Part 1627 of this chapter to take an appeal to the appeal board or to the President from the classification of a registrant in Class I-A may, in like manner, appeal from a determination by the local board or the appeal board of the registrant's request for selection under this part, except that the time for appeal shall begin to run from the date of the mailing to the registrant by the local board of a letter notifying him of the determination of his request by the local board or the appeal board. Such appeals shall be taken and processed in the same manner, under the same conditions, and in accordance with the same procedures, as are prescribed in Parts 1626 and 1627 of this chapter.
(b) The local board shall notify the registrant and his employer by letter of any determination of the registrant's request by the appeal board or the President.
§ 1680.5 Selection and enlistment. (a) A registrant who is selected under this part for enlistment in a unit of the Ready Reserve shall enlist in such unit within 30 days after a notification of his selection is mailed to him by the local board or within such longer period as may be granted by the local board.
(b) Whenever the registrant's request for selection has been approved by the local board and no appeal has been taken, or whenever such request has been approved by the appeal board and no appeal has been taken, or whenever such request has been approved by the President, the local board shall notify the registrant and the office of the Armed Forces as designated by the Secretary of Defense (or by the Secretary of the Treasury with respect to the United States Coast Guard) by letter that the registrant has been selected for enlistment in a unit of the Ready Reserve under the provisions of section 262 of the Armed Forces Reserve Act of 1952, as amended, and that the registrant must enlist in such unit within 30 days after the letter of notification is mailed to him by the local board or within such longer period as the local board may grant.
(c) Upon being notified that the registrant has enlisted in a unit of the Ready Reserve, the local board shall reopen his classification and classify him anew.
§ 1680.6 Resumption of processing of registrant. (a) Whenever the registrant's request for selection has been disapproved by the local board and by the appeal board and the President, if appeals have been taken, the local board shall reopen his classification and classify him anew.
(b) Whenever the registrant has been selected for enlistment but is not enlisted in the Ready Reserve within 30 days after the notification of his selection was mailed to him or within any such longer period granted by the local board, the local board shall process the registrant for induction in the normal manner.
§ 1680.7 Reporting to the Armed Forces of registrant's discontinuance of employment in critical activity. (a) After completion of his prescribed period of active duty for training in the Ready Reserve, it shall be the duty of the registrant to keep his local board informed concerning his mailing address, occupation, and employment and to report to the local board in writing every change in his mailing address, occupation, or employment within 10 days after any such change may occur.
(b) Whenever a registrant who has completed his prescribed period of active duty for training and who has been transferred to the Standby Reserve is not employed in any critical defense-supporting industry or in any research activity affecting national defense, the local board shall so advise the appropriate office of the Armed Forces.
January 6, 1956.
Dwight D. Eisenhower, Executive Order 10650—Prescribing Regulations Governing the Selection of Certain Persons Who Have Critical Skills for Enlistment in Units of the Ready Reserve of the Armed Forces Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/234382