Executive Order 11126—Establishing a Committee and a Council Relating to the Status of Women
The President's Commission on the Status of Women, established by Executive Order No. 10980 of December 14, 1961, has in fulfillment of its responsibilities, submitted a report concerning the steps that should be taken to further the effort to achieve the full participation of women in American life.
Enhancement of the quality of American life, as envisioned by the Commission's report, can be accomplished only through concerted action by both public and private groups, through coordinated action within the Federal Government, and through action by States, communities, educational institutions, voluntary organizations, employers, unions, and individual citizens.
In order to assure effective and continuing leadership in advancing the status of women, it is deemed appropriate to establish an interdepartmental committee and a citizens' advisory council on the status of women.
NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States, it is ordered as follows:
SECTION 101. (a) There is hereby established the interdepartmental Committee on the Status of Women (hereinafter referred to as the "Committee"), which shall be composed of the Secretary of Labor, who shall be the Chairman of the Committee, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, the Attorney General, the Secretary of Agriculture, the Secretary of Commerce, the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, and the Chairman of the Civil Service Commission, all ex officio. The Director of the Women's Bureau of the Department of Labor shall serve as Executive Vice-Chairman of the Committee, and shall be an ex officio member thereof.
(b) When any matter especially related to the area of responsibility of any Federal department or agency, the head of which is not a member of the Committee, is to be considered by the Committee, the Chairman of the Committee shall invite the head of such department or agency to participate in the deliberations of the Committee with respect to such matter and to be a temporary member of the Committee during such deliberations.
SEC. 102. The Committee shall--
(1) Maintain a continuing review and evaluation of the progress of Federal departments and agencies m advancing the status of women.
(2) Serve as a clearing house for information as to the activities being directed toward, and the progress being made in, improving conditions of special interest to women.
(3) Stimulate cooperation and the sharing of data, views, and information among Federal agencies, State and local governments, State commissions on the status of women, and public and private organizations having responsibilities and interests in areas of special concern to women.
(4) Encourage research on factors affecting the status of women in the areas of education, home and community activities, employment, social insurance, taxes, civil and political rights, labor legislation, and related matters.
(5) Exchange information with the Citizens' Advisory Council on the Status of Women, established by Part II of this order, on progress toward advancing the status of women and on new developments requiring consideration by the Council and the Committee.
SEC. 103. Annually the Committee shall transmit to the President a consolidated report concerning the activities of the Committee and the Citizens' Advisory Council.
SEC. 201. There is hereby established the Citizens' Advisory Council on the Status of Women (hereinafter referred to as the "Council"), which shall be composed of 17 members appointed by the President, one of whom he shall designate to serve as Chairman. The council shall meet at the call of the Chairman of the Committee, but not less than twice a year. Members of the Council shall serve without compensation from the United States.
SEC. 202. The Council shall-
(l) Serve as a primary means for suggesting and stimulating action with private institutions, organizations, and individuals working for improvement of conditions of special concern to women.
(2) Review and evaluate progress of organizations in furthering the full participation of women in American life.
(3) Advise and assist the Committee in the evaluation of total progress made and recommend to the Committee, as necessary, action to accelerate such progress.
(4) Consider the effect of new developments on methods of advancing the status of women and recommend appropriate action to the Committee.
SEC. 301. The departments the heads of which are, under Section 101 (a) of this order, members of the Committee and the Civil Service Commission shall, as may be necessary, furnish assistance to the Committee in accordance with Section 214 of the Act of May 3, 1945, 59 Stat. 134 (31 U.S.C. 691). To the extent practical and not inconsistent with law, (1) all Federal departments and agencies shall cooperate with the Committee and the Council and furnish them such information and assistance as may be necessary for the performance of their functions, and (2) the Secretary of Labor shall furnish staff, office space, office facilities and supplies and other necessary assistance, facilities, and services for the Committee and Council (including travel expenses and per diem in lieu of subsistence for members of the Council).
November 1, 1963
John F. Kennedy, Executive Order 11126—Establishing a Committee and a Council Relating to the Status of Women Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/236099