Executive Order 11160—Prescribing Regulations Relating to Medical Care for Retired Ships' Officers and Members of Crews of Vessels of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and Dependents of Active and Retired Ships' Officers and Crew Members
By virtue of the authority vested in me by the first section of the Act of July 19, 1963 (Public Law 88-71, 77 Stat. 83, 42 U.S.C. 253a), and as President of the United States, I hereby prescribe the following regulations relating to the medical care of certain retired personnel of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and dependents of Coast and Geodetic Survey ships' officers and crew members, both active and retired.
Section 1. Definitions. As used in these regulations, the term:
(1) "Retired ships' officer and retired crew member" means a noncommissioned ships' officer or crew member of a vessel of the Coast and Geodetic Survey who either was on active duty as a vessel employee on July 19, 1963, and whose employment as such vessel employee was continuous from that date until the date of his retirement, or who had retired as a vessel employee on or before July 19, 1963.
(2) "Active duty ships' officer and active duty crew member" means a noncommissioned ships' officer or crew member on active duty as a vessel employee of the Coast and Geodetic Survey on July 19, 1963, and whose employment as such vessel employee has been continuous from that time.
(3) "Dependent members of families", with respect to active duty or retired ships' officers or crew members, means:
(A) the lawful wife;
(B) the unmarried legitimate child, including an adopted child or stepchild, who has not passed his twenty-first birthday; and
(C) the father or mother, if in fact dependent upon such active duty or retired ships' officer or crew member for over one-half of his or her support.
(4) "Relief stations" means Public Health Service outpatient clinics and outpatient offices.
(5) "Outpatient clinic" means a full-time outpatient medical facility, operated in Federally owned or leased space under the supervision of a commissioned medical officer or a full-time civil service medical officer (formerly known as a Second-Class Relief Station).
(6) "Outpatient office" means a part-time outpatient facility serving all classes of legal beneficiaries, located in other than Federal space, and in the charge of a local private physician under contract to the Service to provide medical care on an annual or fee basis (formerly known as a Third-Class Relief Station).
Sec. 2. Persons entitled to treatment. The following persons shall be entitled to medical care under these regulations:
(1) Retired ships' officers and retired crew members of the Coast and Geodetic Survey;
(2) Dependent members of families of persons described in paragraph (1) of this section;
(3) Dependent members of families of active duty ships' officers and crew members of the Coast and Geodetic Survey.
Sec. 3. Application for treatment; evidence of eligibility. Persons entitled to medical care under Section 2 of these regulations, when applying to Public Health Service medical care facilities for medical care, shall produce proper identification, as issued to them by the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and such identification shall be accepted as evidence of eligibility for such medical care by the Service.
Sec. 4. Extent of treatment; retired ships'1 officers and crew members. Subject to the limitation imposed by paragraph (2) of this section, retired ships' officers and crew members entitled to medical care under these regulations shall be furnished:
(1) Medical, surgical, and dental treatment at hospitals, outpatient clinics, and outpatient offices of the Service, and hospitalization at hospitals of the Service. The Service will not be responsible for defraying the cost of hospitalization, medical services, and supplies procured elsewhere.
(2) Dental treatment shall be furnished to the extent that facilities and services at hospitals and outpatient clinics of the Service having full-time dental officers on duty are available to provide such treatment. At other Service facilities, dental treatment shall be limited to emergency measures necessary to relieve pain.
Sec. 5. Extent of treatment; dependent members of families; charges. (&) Dependent members of families shall be furnished medical advice and outpatient treatment at hospitals, outpatient clinics, and outpatient offices of the Service and, if suitable accommodations are available, shall be furnished hospitalization at hospitals of the Service. The Service will not be responsible for defraying the cost of hospitalization, medical services, and supplies procured elsewhere.
(b) For the purpose of this section—
(1) Medical advice and outpatient treatment may include such services and supplies as the Medical Officer in Charge may deem to be necessary for reasonable and adequate treatment.
(2) Hospitalization shall be furnished when, in the opinion of the Medical Officer in Charge, suitable accommodations are available and the condition of the patient is such as to require hospitalization. When hospitalization is authorized, it may include such services and supplies as the Medical Officer in Charge may deem to be necessary for reasonable and adequate treatment.
(c) Charges shall be made for hospitalization of dependent members of families at the same per diem rate as is prescribed for dependents of members of the uniformed services pursuant to section 1078(a) of Title 10 of the United States Code.
(d) Dental treatment may be furnished to the extent that facilities and services at hospitals and outpatient clinics of the Service having full-time dental officers are available to provide such treatment. Dental care will not be furnished under any circumstances in private facilities at the expense of the Service.
Sec. 6. Prior orders. Executive Order No. 9703 of March 12, 1946, prescribing regulations relating to medical care of certain personnel of the Coast Guard, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Public Health Service, and former Lighthouse Service, is hereby amended to the extent necessary to conform it to the provisions of this order.
The White House,
July 6, 1964.
Lyndon B. Johnson, Executive Order 11160—Prescribing Regulations Relating to Medical Care for Retired Ships' Officers and Members of Crews of Vessels of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and Dependents of Active and Retired Ships' Officers and Crew Members Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/239159