Executive Order 11507—Prevention, Control, and Abatement of Air and Water Pollution at Federal Facilities
By virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States and in furtherance of the purpose and policy of the Clean Air Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. 1857), the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended (33 U.S.C. 466), and the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (Public Law No. 91-190, approved January 1, 1970), it is ordered as follows:
SECTION 1. Policy. It is the intent of this order that the Federal Government in the design, operation, and maintenance of its facilities shall provide leadership in the nationwide effort to protect and enhance the quality of our air and water resources.
SEC. 2. Definitions. As used in this order:
(a) The term "respective Secretary" shall mean the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare in matters pertaining to air pollution control and the Secretary of the Interior in matters pertaining to water pollution control.
(b) The term "agencies" shall mean the departments, agencies, and establishments of the executive branch.
(c) The term "facilities" shall mean the buildings, installations, structures, public works, equipment, aircraft, vessels, and other vehicles and property, owned by or constructed or manufactured for the purpose of leasing to the Federal Government.
(d) The term "air and water quality standards" shall mean respectively the quality standards and related plans of implementation, including emission standards, adopted pursuant to the Clean Air Act, as amended, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, or as prescribed pursuant to section 4 (b) of this order.
(e) The term "performance specifications" shall mean permissible limits of emissions, discharges, or other values applicable to a particular Federal facility that would, as a minimum, provide for conformance with air and water quality standards as defined herein.
(f) The term "United States" shall mean the fifty States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam.
SEC. 3. Responsibilities. (a) Heads of agencies shall, with regard to all facilities under their jurisdiction:
(1) Maintain review and surveillance to ensure that the standards set forth in section 4 of this order are met on a continuing basis.
(2) Direct particular attention to identifying potential air and water quality problems associated with the use and production of new materials and make provisions for their prevention and control.
(3) Consult with the respective Secretary concerning the best techniques and methods available for the protection and enhancement of air and water quality.
(4) Develop and publish procedures, within six months of the date of this order, to ensure that the facilities under their jurisdiction are in conformity with this order. In the preparation of such procedures there shall be timely and appropriate consultation with the respective Secretary.
(b) The respective Secretary shall provide leadership in implementing this order, including the provision of technical advice and assistance to the heads of agencies in connection with their duties and responsibilities under this order.
(c) The Council on Environmental Quality shall maintain continuing review of the implementation of this order and shall, from time to time, report to the President thereon.
SEC. 4. Standards. (a) Heads of agencies shall ensure that all facilities under their jurisdiction are designed, operated, and maintained so as to meet the following requirements:
(1) Facilities shall conform to air and water quality standards as defined in section 2(d) of this order. In those cases where no such air or water quality standards are in force for a particular geographical area, Federal facilities in that area shall conform to the standards established pursuant to subsection (b) of this section. Federal facilities shall also conform to the performance specifications provided for in this order.
(2) Actions shall be taken to avoid or minimize wastes created through the complete cycle of operations of each facility.
(3) The use of municipal or regional waste collection or disposal systems shall be the preferred method of disposal of wastes from Federal facilities. Whenever use of such a system is not feasible or appropriate, the heads of agencies concerned shall take necessary measures for the satisfactory disposal of such wastes, including:
(A) When appropriate, the installation and operation of their own waste treatment and disposal facilities in a manner consistent with this section.
(B) The provision of trained manpower, laboratory and other supporting facilities as appropriate to meet the requirements of this section.
(C) The establishment of requirements that operators of Federal pollution control facilities meet levels of proficiency consistent with the operator certification requirements of the State in which the facility is located. In the absence of such State requirements the respective Secretary may issue guidelines, pertaining to operator qualifications and performance, for the use of heads of agencies.
(4) The use, storage, and handling of all materials, including but not limited to, solid fuels, ashes, petroleum products, and other chemical and biological agents, shall be carried out so as to avoid or minimize the possibilities for water and air pollution. When appropriate, preventive measures shall be taken to entrap spillage or discharge or otherwise to prevent accidental pollution. Each agency, in consultation with the respective Secretary, shall establish appropriate emergency plans and procedures for dealing with accidental pollution.
(5) No waste shall be disposed of or discharged in such a manner as could result in the pollution of ground water which would endanger the health or welfare of the public.
(6) Discharges of radioactivity shall be in accordance with the applicable rules, regulations, or requirements of the Atomic Energy Commission and with the policies and guidance of the Federal Radiation Council as published in the Federal Register.
(b) In those cases where there are no air or water quality standards as defined in section 2 (d) of this order in force for a particular geographic area or in those cases where more stringent requirements are deemed advisable for Federal facilities, the respective Secretary, in consultation with appropriate Federal, State, interstate, and local agencies, may issue regulations establishing air or water quality standards for the purpose of this order, including related schedules for implementation.
(c) The heads of agencies, in consultation with the respective Secretary, may from time to time identify facilities or uses thereof which are to be exempted, including temporary relief, from provisions of this order in the interest of national security or in extraordinary cases where it is in the national interest. Such exemptions shall be reviewed periodically by the respective Secretary and the heads of the agencies concerned. A report on exemptions granted shall be submitted to the Council on Environmental Quality periodically.
SEC. 5. Procedures for abatement of air and water pollution at existing Federal facilities. (a) Actions necessary to meet the requirements of subsections (a) (1) and (b) of section 4 of this order pertaining to air and water pollution at existing facilities are to be completed or under way no later than December 31, 1972. In cases where an enforcement conference called pursuant to law or air and water quality standards require earlier actions, the earlier date shall be applicable.
(b) In order to ensure full compliance with the requirements of section 5 (a) and to facilitate budgeting for necessary corrective and preventive measures, heads of agencies shall present to the Director of the Bureau of the Budget by June 30, 1970, a plan to provide for such improvements as may be necessary to meet the required date. Subsequent revisions needed to keep any such plan up-to-date shall be promptly submitted to the Director of the Bureau of the Budget.
(c) Heads of agencies shall notify the respective Secretary as to the performance specifications proposed for each facility to meet the requirements of subsections 4 (a) (1) and (b) of this order. Where the respective Secretary finds that such performance specifications are not adequate to meet such requirements, he shall consult with the agency head and the latter shall thereupon develop adequate performance specifications.
(d) As may be found necessary, heads of agencies may submit requests to the Director of the Bureau of the Budget for extensions of time for a project beyond the time specified in section 5 (a). The Director, in consultation with the respective Secretary, may approve such request if the Director deems that such project is not technically feasible or immediately necessary to meet the requirements of subsections 4 (a) and (b). Full justification as to the extraordinary circumstances necessitating any such extension shall be required.
(e) Heads of agencies shall not use for any other purpose any of the amounts appropriated and apportioned for corrective and preventive measures necessary to meet the requirements of subsection (a) for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1971, and for any subsequent fiscal year.
SEC. 6. Procedures for new Federal facilities. (a) Heads of agencies shall ensure that the requirements of section 4 of this order are considered at the earliest possible stage of planning for new facilities.
(b) A request for funds to defray the cost of designing and constructing new facilities in the United States shall be included in the annual budget estimates of an agency only if such request includes funds to defray the costs of such measures as may be necessary to assure that the new facility will meet the requirements of section 4 of this order.
(c) Heads of agencies shall notify the respective Secretary as to the performance specifications proposed for each facility when action is necessary to meet the requirements of subsections 4 (a) (1) and (b) of this order. Where the respective Secretary finds that such performance specifications are not adequate to meet such requirements he shall consult with the agency head and the latter shall thereupon develop adequate performance specifications.
(d) Heads of agencies shall give due consideration to the quality of air and water resources when facilities are constructed or operated outside the United States.
SEC. 7. Procedures for Federal water resources projects. (a) All water resources projects of the Departments of Agriculture, the Interior, and the Army, the Tennessee Valley Authority, and the United States Section of the International Boundary and Water Commission shall be consistent with the requirements of section 4 of this order. In addition, all such projects shall be presented for the consideration of the Secretary of the Interior at the earliest feasible stage if they involve proposals or recommendations with respect to the authorization or construction of any Federal water resources project in the United States. The Secretary of the Interior shall review plans and supporting data for all such projects relating to water quality, and shall prepare a report to the head of the responsible agency describing the potential impact of the project on water quality, including recommendations concerning any changes or other measures with respect thereto which he considers to be necessary in connection with the design, construction, and operation of the project.
(b) The report of the Secretary of the Interior shall accompany at the earliest practicable stage any report proposing authorization or construction, or a request for funding, of such a water resource project. In any case in which the Secretary of the Interior fails to submit a report within 90 days after receipt of project plans, the head of the agency concerned may propose authorization, construction, or funding of the project without such an accompanying report. In such a case, the head of the agency concerned shall explicitly state in his request or report concerning the project that the Secretary of the Interior has not reported on the potential impact of the project on water quality.
SEC. 8. Saving provisions. Except to the extent that they are inconsistent with this order, all outstanding rules, regulations, orders, delegations, or other forms of administrative action issued, made, or otherwise taken under the orders superseded by section 9 hereof or relating to the subject of this order shall remain in full force and effect until amended, modified, or terminated by proper authority.
SEC. 9. Orders superseded. Executive Order No. 11282 of May 26, 1966, and Executive Order No. 11288 of July 2, 1966, are hereby superseded.
The White House
February 4, 1970
NOTE: For a statement by the President upon signing the Executive order, see the preceding item.
Richard Nixon, Executive Order 11507—Prevention, Control, and Abatement of Air and Water Pollution at Federal Facilities Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/306639