Executive Order 11526—Establishing the National Council on Federal Disaster Assistance
WHEREAS the Congress has enacted a number of statutory provisions authorizing Federal assistance to areas devastated by large-scale disasters; and
WHEREAS the Federal Disaster Act (P.L. 81-875), the Federal Disaster Relief Act of 1966 (P.L. 89-769), and the Disaster Relief Act of 1969 (P.L. 91-79) are, pursuant to delegations of authority by the President, administered by the Director of the Office of Emergency Preparedness; and
WHEREAS the Departments of Defense, the Interior, Commerce, Agriculture, Labor, Health, Education, and Welfare, Housing and Urban Development, and Transportation, and the Small Business Administration and the Office of Economic Opportunity, also administer important disaster assistance programs; and
WHEREAS a prompt and effective Federal response to a major disaster requires coordinated action by all of the Federal agencies involved; and
WHEREAS Federal coordination will be served by the establishment of a National Council on Federal Disaster Assistance:
Now, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States, it is ordered as follows:
SECTION 1. Establishment of Council. (a) There is hereby established the National Council on Federal Disaster Assistance (hereinafter referred to as the "Council") which shall be composed of the Director of the Office of Emergency Preparedness, who shall be the Chairman of the Council, and policy level representatives of the Departments of Defense, the Interior, Agriculture, Commerce, Labor, Health, Education, and Welfare, Housing and Urban Development, and Transportation, and of the Small Business Administration and the Office of Economic Opportunity, and such other members as the President may from time to time designate.
(b) Representatives of other Federal departments or agencies, officials of State and local governments, and private citizens may be invited by the Chairman to participate in the deliberations of the Council.
SEC. 2. Functions of the Council. The Council shall advise and assist the Director of the Office of Emergency Preparedness in:
(a) Insuring that Federal agencies furnish necessary assistance following a large-scale disaster on a priority basis to the Federal Coordinating Officer appointed by the President to operate under the Director, Office of Emergency Preparedness, pursuant to Section 9 of the Disaster Relief Act of 1969;
(b) Developing policies and programs to provide a strong and integrated total Federal disaster assistance effort;
(c) Stimulating cooperation and the sharing of data, views, and information concerning disaster assistance among Federal agencies, State and local governments, and private organizations having disaster assistance responsibilities and interests;
(d) Facilitating cooperation among Federal, State, and local governments with special concern for the maintenance of local initiative and decision making with respect to emergency restoration and rebuilding programs;
(e) Promoting the participation of Federal agencies in providing Federal assistance for rebuilding efforts;
(f) Encouraging research on means of preventing disasters and ameliorating the effects of those that occur;
(g) Reviewing, from time to time, the effectiveness of the Federal disaster assistance programs and suggesting needed changes.
SEC. 3. Assistance to the Council. Consistent with law, the Office of Emergency Preparedness shall provide staff and other assistance to the Council, and Executive departments and agencies shall furnish to the Council such available information as the Council may require in performance of its functions.
SEC. 4. Construction. Nothing in this order shall be construed as subjecting any Federal agency or officer, or any function vested by law in, or assigned pursuant to law to, any Federal agency or officer, to the authority of the Council or of any other agency or officer or as abrogating any such function in any manner.
The White House
April 22, 1970
NOTE: For the President's message to the Congress proposing legislative and administrative actions concerning Federal disaster assistance, see the preceding item.
Richard Nixon, Executive Order 11526—Establishing the National Council on Federal Disaster Assistance Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/306500