Richard Nixon photo

Executive Order 11778—Amending Executive Order No. 11692, Adjusting the Rates of Monthly Basic Pay for Members of the Uniformed Services

April 12, 1974

By virtue of the authority vested in me by the laws of the United States, including the Act of December 16, 1967, and the Federal Pay Comparability Act of 1970, and as President of the United States and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States, section 2 of Executive Order No. 11692 of December 15, 1972, is amended to read as follows:

"Sec. 2. This order shall take effect October 1, 1972."


The White House,

April 12, 1974.

Richard Nixon, Executive Order 11778—Amending Executive Order No. 11692, Adjusting the Rates of Monthly Basic Pay for Members of the Uniformed Services Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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