Executive Order 2020—To Amend the Executive Order of April 15, 1913, Entitled: "Executive Order to Provide Maritime Quarantine Regulations for the Canal Zone and the Harbors of the Cities of Panama and Colon, Republic of Panama."
By virtue of the authority vested in me, I hereby establish the following order for the Canal Zone:
I. The certificate to the form of original bill of health prescribed by section 1 of the Executive Order of April 15, 1913, entitled: "Executive Order to Provide Maritime Quarantine Regulations for the Canal Zone and the Harbors of the Cities of Panama and Colon, Republic of Panama," is hereby amended to read as follows:
I hereby certify that the vessel has complied with the quarantine rules and regulations of the Panama Canal, and that the vessel leaves this port bound for____ ____, Canal zone, or ____ ____, Republic of Panama, via ____ ____,
Given under my hand and seal this ____ ____ day of ____ 191__.
(SEAL) _________________________________
(Signature of Consular Officer.)
II. The certificate to the form of supplemental bills of health prescribed by section 1 of the above mentioned Executive Order is hereby amended to read as follows:
I certify also that with reference to the passengers, effects and cargo taken on at this port the vessel has complied with the quarantine rules and regulations of the Panama Canal.
Given under my hand and seal this ____ ____ day of____, 191__. (SEAL)
___________________________________ (Signature of Consular Officer.)
III. Section 1 of the above mentioned Executive Order is hereby amended by adding the following paragraph to said section:
Vessels clearing from a foreign port to a port in the United States, or one of their dependencies, and touching at any port of the Canal Zone, or Panama or of Colon, Republic of Panama, shall not be required to obtain an additional bill of health under the quarantine rules and regulations of the Panama Canal, but it shall be sufficient that such vessel obtain extra copies of the bill of health and of the supplemental bill of health, if any, issued in the foreign port by the officer authorized by the quarantine laws of the United States. Such extra copies of the bill of health, or of the supplemental bill of health, as the case may be, shall be delivered by the Captain of the vessel to the quarantine officer of the Panama Canal upon arrival of the vessel in ports of the Canal Zone, or the ports of Panama or Colon, Republic of Panama.
IV. Section 16 of the said Executive Order is hereby, amended by adding thereto the following paragraph:
The baggage of cabin passengers embarking at infected ports shall be treated as provided in this section for baggage of steerage passengers.
V. The second paragraph of section 19 of the above mentioned Executive Order is hereby amended to read as follows:
(a) Vessels from the United States or their dependencies; (b) Vessels from foreign ports; (c) Vessels with sickness aboard; (d) Vessels from Panamanian ports where any quarantinable disease prevails; (e) Vessels from Panamanian ports carrying passengers or articles suspected by the quarantine officer as being capable of conveying the infection of a transmissible disease.
VI. Section 26 of the above mentioned Executive Order is hereby amended to read as follows:
Section 26. The quarantine officer, after his inspection of the vessel and its documents, shall decide whether said vessel, or its personnel or passengers, or any article aboard said vessel is liable to convey any of the following diseases: plague, yellow fever, cholera, smallpox, typhus fever or leprosy; and, if so, such vessel shall be placed in quarantine and forbidden entry until free from such liability of conveying any such diseases, and he shall take such measures in respect to the vessel, its passengers or personnel or of cargo as in his judgment may be required to prevent the entry of such diseases into the Canal Zone, or the cities of Panama or Colon, Republic of Panama.
VII. Section 34 of said Executive Order is hereby amended to read as follows:
Any person violating any of the provisions of these regulations shall be punished by a fine not exceeding Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), or by imprisonment in jail not exceeding ninety (90) days, or both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court. The punishment herein prescribed shall be imposed by the district court of the Canal Zone.
VIII. This order shall take effect from and after the date upon which the Panama Canal is officially and formally opened for use and operation by the proclamation of the President of the United States.
August 14, 1914.
Woodrow Wilson, Executive Order 2020—To Amend the Executive Order of April 15, 1913, Entitled: "Executive Order to Provide Maritime Quarantine Regulations for the Canal Zone and the Harbors of the Cities of Panama and Colon, Republic of Panama." Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/275260