Under authority of the Act of Congress, approved June 10, 1922, the following change is made in Executive Order No. 4728 of September 29, 1927, effective on and after March 1, 1929:
Table I of said Executive Order is hereby amended by striking out the words—
"B.—Special—Alaska, Europe, and South America and men absent from their ships on temporary duty not involving travel" and substituting therefor the following:
"B.—Special—Alaska, Europe, and South America and men absent from their ships on temporary duty not involving travel, except enlisted men attached to Naval Mission to Brazil.
"C.—Special—Naval Mission to Brazil,
(a)Subsistence -----------$0.50
(b)Quarters --------------1.00."
The White House,
January 5, 1929.
Calvin Coolidge, Executive Order 5022—Amendments to Executive Order No. 4728 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/360745