Executive Order 5129—Reserving Certain Described Lands in the Philippine Islands for Military Purposes
Pursuant to Section 9 of the Act of Congress approved August 29, 1916 (39 Stat. 545, 547; 48 U. S. C. Secs. 1221, 1222), entitled "An Act To declare the purpose of the people of the United States as to the future political status of the people of the Philippine Islands, and to provide a more autonomous government for those islands", the following tracts of public lands, property of the United States, in the Philippine Islands, are hereby reserved and set apart for military purposes, subject to private rights if any there be:
I. All that certain tract of land situated in the City of Zamboanga, Province of Zamboanga, Island of Mindanao, included within metes and bounds described as follows:
Beginning at a point (1), which point is south 71° 00' west, 709.14 meters from Zamboanga Townsite Monument No. 2, which is L. M. B. L. No. 109 Zamboanga Townsite, Cad. 14; thence north 68° 03' west, 201.34 meters to a point (2); thence north 68° 12' west, 107.81 meters to a point (3); thence south 22° 49' west, 125.00 meters to a point (4); thence north 63° 41' west, 146.23 meters to a point (5); thence north 60° 45' west, 346.28 meters to a point (6); thence north 47° 16' west, 270.64 meters to a point (7); thence north 30° 55' east, 150.00 meters to a point (8); thence north 27° 34' east, 14.18 meters to a point (9); thence north 24° 05' east, 12.00 meters to a point (10); thence north 19° 09' east, 377.21 meters to a point (11); thence south 65° 33' east, 132.89 meters to a point (12); thence south 65° 33' east, 70.38 meters to a point (13); thence south 26° 12' east, 70.57 meters to a point (14); thence south 0° 24' east, 61.10 meters to a point (15); thence south 55° 42' east, 281.45 meters to a point (16); thence north 78° 42' east, 40.65 meters to a point (17); thence north 81° 38' east, 98.54 meters to a point (18); thence south 51° 23' east, 164.73 meters to a point (19); thence south 71° 47' east, 455.44 meters to a point (20); thence south 71° 11' east, 242.12 meters to a point (21); thence south 57° 48' west, 36.91 meters to a point (22); thence south 57° 48' west, 33.77 meters to a point (23); thence south 57° 48' west, 486.21 meters to a point (24); thence north 75° 41' west, 155.48 meters to point of beginning, containing a total of 657,070 square meters, more or less (65.707 hectares or 162.296 acres).
Excepting and reserving from the above described tract of land a pentagonal parcel of land, beginning at point (24); thence north 22° 05' east, 219.49 meters to a point (25); thence north 81° 50' west, 98.42 meters to a point (26); thence south 58° 30' west, 115.92 meters to a point (27); thence south 17° 20' west, 46.63 meters to a point (28); thence south 48° 39' east, 170.00 meters to a point (29), which point coincides with point (24), the point of beginning.
Also excepting and reserving from the above described tract of land an existing right of way for public highway purposes, in favor of the Province of Zamboanga, to be maintained for the benefit of the public and without expense to the United States, which said right of way enters the .said land at points (9) and (10) and leaves at points (22) and (23): Provided, That the United States reserves the right to require such changes in the location or route thereof across said land as may hereafter, in the judgment of the military authorities of the United States, become necessary in the proper use of said land for military purposes.
II. All that certain tract of land situated on the Island of Jolo, in the Municipality of Jolo, included within the metes and bounds described as follows:
Beginning at a point (1), which point is Monument No. 11, of Lot 2561, Cadastre 99, Case No. 1; thence north 71° 22' east, 361.98 meters to a point (2); thence south 31° 03' west, 122.24 meters to a point (3); thence south 87° 46' west, 280.17 meters to point of beginning, containing an area of 14,298.21 square meters, more or less, or 3.53 acres, more or less.
Points (1), (2) and (3) are Monuments Nos. 11, 10 and 9, respectively, of Lot 2561, Cad. 99, Case No. 1, Jolo, Jolo, Philippine Islands.
The White House,
May 28, 1929.
Herbert Hoover, Executive Order 5129—Reserving Certain Described Lands in the Philippine Islands for Military Purposes Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/360829