Herbert Hoover photo

Executive Order 5147—Revoking Executive Order No. 4246

July 01, 1929

The Executive Order dated June 5, 1925 (No. 4246), as amended by the Executive Order dated July 31, 1925 (No. 4278), establishing the Huachuca District of the Coronado National Forest on the Fort Huachuca Military Reservation, Arizona, pursuant to the provisions of Section 9 of the Act of Congress approved June 7, 1924 (43 Stat., 653), is hereby revoked.

Signature of Herbert Hoover

The White House,
July 1, 1929.

Herbert Hoover, Executive Order 5147—Revoking Executive Order No. 4246 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/360847

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