Civil-Service Rule VII, Section 1, paragraph (a), is hereby amended to read as follows:
(a) Certification.—The nominating or appointing officer shall request the certification of eligibles; and the commission shall certify, from the head of the register of eligibles appropriate for the group in which the position or positions to be filled are classified, a number of names sufficient to permit the nominating or appointing officer to consider three names in connection with each vacancy. When so provided by regulation of the commission, selection shall be made from the register by the nominating or appointing officer without preliminary certification of the commission. Certification of an eligible for temporary appointment shall not affect his certification for probational appointment. Certifications shall be made without regard to sex unless the nature of the duties of the position to be filled are such as, in the opinion of the commission, can be performed only by men or women, as the case may be.
The White House,
December 23, 1932.
Herbert Hoover, Executive Order 5984—Amendment of Civil-Service Rule VII Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project